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New fixed price tournament inc paint :)

Shining Glory

Platinum Member
Dec 4, 2006
I think its a great idea BUT how are you going to control the amount of paint used in a day? if i had some extra paint, same brand, same colour what would stop me adding it to give an advantage?;)

I gotta agree with Johnny,

Unless you have the paint on the field and issued to players before they go on to play by refs.

So your saying the team with the most paint left wins ?


clean, play on!!!!
Jan 4, 2006
no not at all it means it's limited paint. some teams might bring down 10-20 boxes they have more paint to use and can just lane peeps all day BUT if you only have 5 boxes between a team it's more down to skill than ramping balls out all over the place.

i think that made sence...well it did in my world :D


cover your eyes and run
Feb 21, 2007
UK , Nottingham
sounds like a damn good days ball :D would it be held at the lincoln masters site? if so im gona post it up on the team fourm !! :D

Shining Glory

Platinum Member
Dec 4, 2006
no not at all it means it's limited paint. some teams might bring down 10-20 boxes they have more paint to use and can just lane peeps all day BUT if you only have 5 boxes between a team it's more down to skill than ramping balls out all over the place.

i think that made sence...well it did in my world :D

"Bring your own paint" i must of read it wrong.

I have had on the back burner a format I want to resurrect to paintballers everywhere.
It is aimed if I am honest to the newer end from king of the hill to division 2 but some div 1 teams would have a great time.
I have always thought that teams develop and learn by playing better teams and the "King of the hill" type divisions are only there to bring in extra income and they are because of the teams they are playing slow to learn.

I also remember the games we played against some of the top teams of the day and the excitement we had waiting for that game to start and I want others to experience the same.

But the stumbling block for most teams would be cost and possibly the worry of not knowing what it will end up at and thats where this old format limited paint event could help.

Ten team random divisions - nine games.
Air by H-PAC.
Minimum of twenty five bunkers per field.
Good prizes for the winning teams.
UK refs on all fields.
includes 9000 tournament quality paintballs per team.

All teams would have 9000 per team to utilise as they wish and I assure you teams will be going home with paint.
The limit part is how much paint the team has in total on the day not what you can use per game.

The cost per team is £287.50 thats only £57.50 per player for a five man team or if you do what I recommend and bring six players it would work out at less than £48.00 each.

Dates and venues are to be confirmed but sooner rather than later.

If you have genuine interest in this fixed price format or would like more details post away or send a PM.


:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: I still cant see it ;):D

the point i was trying to make was just agreeing with Johnny as to how is it going to be policed,whats to stop a team from bringing there own paint and doing as you said shooting the lanes all day, most people use black hoppers so whats to say if the paint on that day has a blue fill, whats to stop me from using some paint with blue fill,cause you wont be able to see it in the hoppers and not all pods are clear either.

Next question is, are the teams going to have extra paint given to them so thay can setup there guns and test the paint out to see if any good, cause we all know theres nowt worse than being on a field and the paint does not go where you are shooting it, or it is too brittle ,or its just bouncing off the opponents or is that going to be part of the fun?


Feb 20, 2005
East Coast
i like the idea, but what you are limiting it to is really not that practical

5 hoppers on field, 200 in each, 1000 per team per game, and 9 games, so 9000 in just hoppers.

now i know not everyone will shoot a hopper per game, but it does kinda limit things doesnt it.

i am not trying to be neg, as i thing the fixed price game format is inivative to say the least, but i just think that limit is not practical with 9 game format.

it does lead to the opinion that teams will end up sending players out with little or no paint so that a back player can shoot a pot and a hopper, thus meaning some players will end up not getting value for money.

i dont know what to suggest the paint limit should be, i am just stating the full facts of the limit


Old Baller, getting older
Jun 14, 2007
Northern England
I have done a deal with three paint suppliers so far and if you can guess what brand/colour we will be using when you come down,
your welcome:)


PS I won't be telling anyone what we are using, you will find out on the day.
This is all well and good but please bear in mind that not all of us can shoot the same paint, for example my Ego06 will make soup of Proto, so will my sons Ion, and My mates PMR7.

At the end of the day the choice of paint on the day shouldn't make a difference, surely you are looking at the integrity of the players? And yes I know this is the same for ramping and wiping, you could always have a 2for 1 rule if anyone is found with extra balls or wrong balls? Just a thought!


On the prowl again
Sep 16, 2005
i think the idea is that you have to play more agressive,in a lot of the masters 5man i was coming of the field and i had only used a hopper and a pot,that was allso the case at campain,the games were over so fast sometimes.
if you have less paint it makes you think more instead of just throwing the paint down,halo have practiced playing with just a hopper full of paint to save money training.if anything its more exciting.

Russell Smith

The Paintball Association
This is all well and good but please bear in mind that not all of us can shoot the same paint, for example my Ego06 will make soup of Proto, so will my sons Ion, and My mates PMR7.

At the end of the day the choice of paint on the day shouldn't make a difference, surely you are looking at the integrity of the players? And yes I know this is the same for ramping and wiping, you could always have a 2for 1 rule if anyone is found with extra balls or wrong balls? Just a thought!

I do know that some guns have problems with some paint and that will be a factor when we choose what to supply.
If I remember correctly (and I would have no problem with this) teams used to bring their own paint with them to set-up their guns and just put a couple of the allowed paint threw to check the chrono.
If anyone is eliminated with the wrong paint and then they lose the game the win would be reversed, full rules would be issued before hand.
