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Ok ,this isn't fair!


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Damn my answer whilst not entirely correct but funnier would have been, due to the drastic cuts in NASA's budgets over the years and the fact that nobody cares about shuttle launchs (unless they go bang) anymore, would have been that NASA are making all of their space shuttles from flour and water a sort of death race meets masterchef, oh and while they're at it if they do take up my idea (for a measily 1% in tv royalties) may I be so bold as to suggest Jamie Oliver for part of the new space programme?

...Kitch mate, whatever you're taking, please send me some......


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Jay, I have roomed with Ledz on a few occasions and I have to say, they were experiences that I am still receiving counseling for.
His entire existence seems to be closely tied with biological functions of the most disgusting kind.
His food intake would rival that of a medium sized herd of bison, he can only eat food that has been liberally drenched with a type of chili sauce that makes Sulphuric Acid taste like a sherbet dip, he's a gastronomic miracle.

This food intake then follows the normal rules of biology and 'what goes in, must come out' but unfortunately with Ledz, whereas most food substances are reduced still in solid form before being expelled, his food is almost totally converted to gas.
Problem is, the solid / gas ratio is huge and it's not just the sheer volume of gas thats the problem; for some reason, his body conspires to concoct a smell so foul, it would render a charging bull elephant unconscious at 25 meters .... I kid you not mate, that dude stinks when his ass burps....

When rooming with him, and especially in the morning, I have seen him transform a flat duvet into what resembled a hot air balloon with just one expulsion from his rear end .. he would then look at me as though I was in the wrong for being so disgusted.

Needless to say, I used to politely seek out another room for fear of my life and leave the others to brave the nasal onslaught.

But saying all that, you couldn't find a better mate :)


Aug 19, 2003
Jay, I have roomed with Ledz on a few occasions and I have to say, they were experiences that I am still receiving counseling for.
His entire existence seems to be closely tied with biological functions of the most disgusting kind.
His food intake would rival that of a medium sized herd of bison, he can only eat food that has been liberally drenched with a type of chili sauce that makes Sulphuric Acid taste like a sherbet dip, he's a gastronomic miracle.

This food intake then follows the normal rules of biology and 'what goes in, must come out' but unfortunately with Ledz, whereas most food substances are reduced still in solid form before being expelled, his food is almost totally converted to gas.
Problem is, the solid / gas ratio is huge and it's not just the sheer volume of gas thats the problem; for some reason, his body conspires to concoct a smell so foul, it would render a charging bull elephant unconscious at 25 meters .... I kid you not mate, that dude stinks when his ass burps....

When rooming with him, and especially in the morning, I have seen him transform a flat duvet into what resembled a hot air balloon with just one expulsion from his rear end .. he would then look at me as though I was in the wrong for being so disgusted.

Needless to say, I used to politely seek out another room for fear of my life and leave the others to brave the nasal onslaught.

But saying all that, you couldn't find a better mate :)
I heard rumours that ledz has had the muscle removed from his throat so the food literally drops straight down to the stomach. Apparently its more efficient that way.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
I heard rumours that ledz has had the muscle removed from his throat so the food literally drops straight down to the stomach. Apparently its more efficient that way.

The man has no throat as we know it, he was born with a permanently open delivery chute in his neck, and a shuttle-train that connects his stomach to his ass that never stops chugging....Ledz is unable to fart in the traditional sense anymore, his ass just goes 'Woo Woo' !


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
The man has no throat as we know it, he was born with a permanently open delivery chute in his neck, and a shuttle-train that connects his stomach to his ass that never stops chugging....Ledz is unable to fart in the traditional sense anymore, his ass just goes 'Woo Woo' !
I heard that Ledz's innards were designed by Jack Wood? And teflon coated to reduce friction.