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Opus Finale .... A Warts an' all Exposé of Paintball's Very Own Megalomaniac

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Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
^^^^^^^^^^How many more people do we need testifying as to their bad experiences with barnett?
Once again, the MO is the same miserable path that so many others have trodden beforehand ..

The seven-step barnett waltz ....

1) Someone associates themselves with barnett ..
2) barnett makes promises .... ....
3) barnett breaks promises or fuhks over associates in some way ....
4) The 'associate' feels aggrieved after being royally shafted and terminates their association with barnett ..
5) barnett begins to attack and attempt to discredit them and makes veiled threats ....
6) barnett then deletes all forum and Facebook messages and estranges all connections with ex-associate ..
And last but definitely NOT least .....
7) barnett accuses the industry of ganging up on him ...... it's like an old record wearing thinner by the day ...

What now?
This protracted litany of aggrieved parties will never stop increasing because barnett really can't stop being barnett .... when will people finally wake-up to this wahnker infecting our beloved sport?
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