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paintball at fairs/festivals?


Oct 12, 2008
North East, Sunderland
I do have one question for you.
Why did you make this a topic for discussion days after you had attended the event but had made posts on other topics in the intervening period ? Were they more important than the saftey issues that you raised?
tbh, i dont know.
i a possibly the least organised person you would ever know, and i am actually abit proud that i managed to follow this all the way through :eek:
yes, sad i know.

i guess i was just thinking about it since the airshow,
im not someone who enjoys posting up irrelevent dribble.


Dec 1, 2005
I havent read the replies to this thread. So somebody may have already said what I'm about to say, maybe not.

But who actually cares?! Nobody got hurt... So why go on about it and kick up a fuss as if they did...?!

We (as humans) trust eachother to a massive amount, whether you realise you do or you dont. For example, walking down the street, you TRUST, or just presume that some idiot isnt going to drive up on the kerb, and run you down. You don't walk the street wearing bullet proof vests and armour, just in case some one shoots you down do you?!

This is what I mean, so what if there wasn't masks being given out.... We've just got to hope that there isnt any idiots who turn round and shoot up some old guy and his grandkids. Yeah, might not be the safest thing in the world, but what is?! And if the person who wants a go with the gun looks like a complete tool, simply dont let him go on it.....
To me, whether youre trying to do a good thing or not by sending the organisers an email complaining about it, it just seems babyish...
Because it's 2009 now. Everyone is wrapped in cotton wool, just in case they bump into something or trip over something


Oct 12, 2008
North East, Sunderland
I havent read the replies to this thread. So somebody may have already said what I'm about to say, maybe not.

But who actually cares?! Nobody got hurt... So why go on about it and kick up a fuss as if they did...?!

We (as humans) trust eachother to a massive amount, whether you realise you do or you dont. For example, walking down the street, you TRUST, or just presume that some idiot isnt going to drive up on the kerb, and run you down. You don't walk the street wearing bullet proof vests and armour, just in case some one shoots you down do you?!

This is what I mean, so what if there wasn't masks being given out.... We've just got to hope that there isnt any idiots who turn round and shoot up some old guy and his grandkids. Yeah, might not be the safest thing in the world, but what is?! And if the person who wants a go with the gun looks like a complete tool, simply dont let him go on it.....
To me, whether youre trying to do a good thing or not by sending the organisers an email complaining about it, it just seems babyish...
ok then, dont wear a mask next time you go and crono.
lets just hope someone dosent acedentily shoot you in the face.
OR.. we could wear a mask.
Go and find me one person (that isnt a complete idiot) that thinks wearing a mask insnt worth it.

i seriously cant belive im having to argue with someone on a PAINTBALL fourm, that wearing a mask is important.
Punter days, the first thing they tell you, "the most important part of your equipment today, isnt you gun, its your mask. It could and will save you sight. If you are going past the netting you must be wearing it."

guy 1: Hey, look at him, he dosent have his mask on
guy 2: meh, lets just hope he dosent get it
guy 3: sorry, sorry, sorry, i didnt mean to!
guy 2: ohh, maby he should have been wearing it
guy 1: too late now, isnt it.

(in the above situation, your guy 2)


Wreckballer - PMGWC#2
Nov 13, 2008
that special place.
Have people forgotten the "Better safe that sorry" phrase?

A mask is the most important piece of safety equipment a player can own, and to suggest that it isn't necessary to wear a mask when around a live paintball marker is not only flippant, it's down-right ignorant. Especially because of the bad press paintball has had recently.

I think the last thing anybody wants is a headline reading "Child Looses Sight to Paintball Gun" when the whole issue can be avoided by a simple £30 purchase.
Oct 9, 2008
air rifle shooting at fetes got banned?

there was one of these stalls at a village fete near ancaster just 2 months ago...

the guns wasnt chained down, the customers had to reload the gun themselves.

The event was pretty well policed aswell!