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Paintball Planet on X-Fire

Super Davey

In Scotland and Very Cold
Oct 26, 2001
Inverness at the moment
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Planet on X-Fire

Nice to hear everyone's had a laugh at our TV moment of fame. Just to let you know that what you saw on telly doesn't even hardly represent what actually happened.
We were treated quite badly on the show and basically they didn't want us to win. A lot of visitors to the shop have commented on how much harder the grunts and special forces played against us than all the other teams. Thats a massive understatement!
We had obviously been given a bad rep before we got there and they felt they had a point to prove against us. The paintball consultant on the show was a joke and way out of her depth.
When we chose extreme on the last mission we were very pissed off and up for it. We played brilliantly and were heading to win the series. ( we knew how many points we needed beforehand).
We walked through the missions beforehand and were told that there would be nobody in the auxilliary power room except for a camera man. All we had to do was power it down and we would have enough points to win. They started to pull the plug as soon as we got close. Ledz got cheated aginst in the worst instance of cheating i have ever seen in 15 years of playing paintball. The person involved in that little episode did it to prove a point to the Special Forces who didn't believe we could be that good.

If you read this, You know who you are and should be ashamed of yourself.

They started to just pull us out to suit themselves, we still had three people live going into an 'empty' room as you saw they all got shot by THREE !enemy players.

If they had treated us like adults and told us they couldn't let us win then we'd have died gracefully and spectacularly but it must have looked crap cos we had a nasty taste in our mouths by that time. I'm particularly annoyed for Steph and Sofina who were treated in the same boat as Me Ledz Jack and Chris, they are non paintballers who played their hearts out all day. They deserved better than that.

I could go on for hours about the programme but i won't. What i do want to say is that it looks great on TV and has been brilliant for paintball. I am a site operator and have talked to loads of people who are enquiring to play because of the show.

Don't let the fact that it looks staged spoil your enjoyment of it, its light entertainment nothing more.

On an end note i would like to answer some posts about Mission Paintball, THIS WAS NOT STAGED OR FIXED IN ANY WAY.There were a few staged games when results could not be affected but the best team won HA HA!
One question though, it was held at Campaign and two campaign power players made the final of snapshooter. How did that happen i wonder?
PG from Banzai was forced to shoot left handed as the camera people messed up, He missed out by one hit!
Theres a snapshooter for you!


Jul 10, 2001
Surrey. England.
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Snapshooter......a fix?!?

Could it be that they both shot more targets than Pee-Gee???

Surely if Campaign had fixed Mission Paintball, Campaign Power would have been playing in the finals at Crystal Palace!!!

Cummon Dave, you were there and took part. Don't be bitter just because you look a bit poo on X-Fire....;)

I can understand why you may feel this way, Rory McVeigh in a paintball final of any sort is hard to believe:D :D


Super Davey

In Scotland and Very Cold
Oct 26, 2001
Inverness at the moment
Visit site

I'm only having a laugh mate and didn't mean to devalue your achievements in any way whatsoever.
Your comment about Rory was however a point well made.
Poo on X-Fire! Whatever do you mean? Bitter? Yes, a pint please.


Below Green, Yellow maybe
Oct 26, 2001
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Um, I sort of missed the show, i watched the first episode and then sort of lost interest, it was nothing like real paintball. I completely missed it. Can someone give me a little description of what happened? That would be great.

They really cheated?

And what are the emulsifiers and machine guns really and what were grunts using? They looked very odd indeed.

You probably should have had a go at the paintball consultant or something too.
