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PGI mag - not what it used to be...


i know its been said before, but is it just me or is PGI not the mag it used to be? the last 3-4 issues in particular have been, well, crap!
just look at the latest issue, the only UK stuff in there was a little bit in trash mouth about dave spittle and NWC folding. not a single UK tourny. load of crap about US big games and a few decent articles. a couple of guys on my team have already decided not to renew their subs to PGI cos they feel its no longer relevant to them and the articles are normally here on the p8ntballer website anyway.
it is old ground but how about some more UK info. i know you got to break the US market to make the $$$ but dont forget your roots!
call me old fashion, but i've been getting PGi ever since it was a black and white pullout in S.W.A.T. magazine (is that still going?). back in those days when you pick up the mag you were reading about an event you played in at a site you've heard of. UK players were well know and i even got my ugly mug in there a couple of times. surly with the recent massive growth of the sport in the UK you could run articles on some UK leagues or large events? even a team or site directory like in the old days (for a small charge of course).
how about a quarterly pull-out just for us brits?
just look at all the posts from UK players who dont have a clue what is going on or what tournies are up and coming. we need to get some UK info out there.

anyway that my rant for this week. the mag is better quality than it used to be it just seems like a US import rather than a UK based mag thats all.
Agreed, as a newbie I had heard that PGI was the one..... I am on my 3rd issue now and if the rest of my subscription is has the same content I shall certainly not be renewing as none of the info is pertinent to me.

I did note that in the last issue it said the PGI events diary would be updated shortly so that should put more info out there regarding stuff going on.

The UKPSF could do more also as they don't seem to have much of a profile at the moment.

So, once again, you wanna see more of you an' your mates then?

The I in PGI stands for 'International' dude...just cos it's printed in England don't make it a Brit magazine, any more than Vanity Fair is a US mag.

The mainstays of PGI, like with mountain bike, snowboard and other 'extreme' sports mags, are:

1 - Articles on how to improve your game
2 - Reviews of kit

Tourney and big game reviews are waaaaaaaaay down the list. And as for dissing big games...how many teams at one of your tournies? 20 5-player teams? What's that, 100 people??? How many at Big Games? A lot more dude.

As has been said a bazillion times, BIG tournies get coverage cos they feature the cream of the sport, irrespective of what country they occur in. If I may paraphrase Robo, When you buy a soccer rag you read about David Beckham and Manchester, not Skunthorpe or wherever. From tha rest of the world's point of view, the UK gets loads of coverage still...sheesh, I see my fellow countrymen posting on here about teams like Smart as a Carrot and the Chameleons ansd the Cougars. No disrespect to those guys, but you don't hear half as much about US teams of comparble standard or even higher, come to that.

As for tournie info...see that big ol' thing in this month's mag saying 'tourney organisers, send your dates in'? See it in last month's mag too? Getting an idea whose fault it is that PGI don't publicise dates yet?

It's the same old story man - you Brits were spoilt, you got your pics and stuff in the world's best mag and now you don't and you're pissed.

By the way, did you maybe hire a photographer to take pics of you practicing, then write your names on tha back, send em into Tha Antman and say, 'Dude, feel free to use these to illustrate any articles you choose', thereby getting yourself some recognition and something to show existing and potential sponsors?

Thought not...


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Red Hot,
I will try to adhere to my New Year's resolution and stop from blowing any gaskets as I respond to this.
I hate it when people like you use the word 'crap' which implies you are talking about the quality of the magazine when in reality, you are unhappy with the subject matter.
We had another guy like you make a similar post, a Chris Lasoya wannabee called Ian or something from Dam Dangerous.
All he wanted was to see his and his team's name up in lights and wasn't best pleased with their omission from the consequent article covering the tournament he and attended.
Every major tournament in the UK gets PGI coverage, but if you think we are gonna send somebody up to the Cleethorpes five-man just so’s you can see your team’s name printed in tenth place, then you must think we’re frikkin crack-heads.
Paintball is now a truly international sport and the pages of PGI are going to reflect that, how many times can you pick up a magazine covering international football where the likes of Man Utd, David Beckham and so on are featured and in the same publication read reports on Bethnal Green Ranger’s home game on Hackney Marshes ?
I will tell ya how many, frikkin none, that’s how many.
And do you know why ?
I will tell ya, coz nobody’s interested apart from those twenty two individuals who played for those teams.
Hardly the best policy of editorial coverage if we are to remain as one of the most popular and highly respected paintball magazines in the world.
Virtually all of the articles in the magazine apply to all paintballers in the world, no matter what your nationality.
Are you implying that just because some yank wrote an article on techniques and how to better them, that this in some way doesn’t apply or is not relevant to you ?
Of course they are relevant to everybody who plays this game.
So in effect we just come down to tourney coverage and as I have already said, we cover all the major tournaments in the UK, so what the hell do you want us to do ?
And the reason there were no tournament reports in this month’s PGI was ….guess ….yeah you guessed right…there wasn’t any worth covering that would have been the slightest bit of interest to anybody outside of those who attended…unless of course you know different and in that case, please enlighten me as to the location and date of this UK tournament that so warranted this coverage that you rue so much.
One last point and it is a point I have made before, if we ventured down the road you suggest, the magazine would lose all credibility if we are to maintain our international status and within a few months, we would go broke.
The UK scene cannot in any way support a UK biased publication…No argument !!!!!
Red Hot, times change mate, our sport has changed as has our magazine, it’s called progress, ignore it at your peril because all you are doing is indulging in nostalgic hogwash.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by Dazdread
Agreed, as a newbie I had heard that PGI was the one..... I am on my 3rd issue now and if the rest of my subscription is has the same content I shall certainly not be renewing as none of the info is pertinent to me.

I did note that in the last issue it said the PGI events diary would be updated shortly so that should put more info out there regarding stuff going on.

The UKPSF could do more also as they don't seem to have much of a profile at the moment.
so what are you saying ? That none of the technical articles are pertinent to you?
Does that mean you know it all ?
Are you also saying, that any tactical articles are equally not pertinent to you?
Does this also mean, you know all there is to know about tactics?
Do all the gun reviews merely go over old ground with you and you know it all already?
Do all the new products pages bore you as you have seen them all before ?
In fact, what the hell is pertinent to you as a paintballer Daz coz I got no idea what the hell you could possibly want from a paintball magazine.
Please enlighten me ;)
Your replies are duly noted, perhaps I should clarify that I was trying to use the mag to find out what was going on in the UK, trying to find a tourney/team etc., by no means an expert in this field.

The articles on tactics and equipment i find are very good in general and well worth the read but as a pauper never going to buy a top stream marker a little lost on me.

Not dissing you mag but I have got nearly all my knowledge from this fourum (Not all of it may be correct).

Keep up your good works
I thought it was weird that you were using the same examples as me, especially as I borrowed tha soccer one off of you...

I guess you guys have been fighting this battle for an age...a certain Rancid poster hereabouts mentioned in a thred a few months back that waaaaay back in the day you guys used to get similar moans from ballers from the north of the UK, saying that it was all based on the south and how you were supposed to be a Brit mag, not just a south England mag!

Go figure...
Understood Daz...lemme tell ya a lil story a former Editor of PGI told me...

Back in the day, maybe 4 years ago, when these Brit Vs everyone in PGI shiznit kicked off PGI offered to do a team directory for ALL teams in the world, for free, with contact details, pic, sponsors...everything. This was something the Brit teams in particular had been bitching for.

Know how many he got back?


Know how many were Brit teams?


So I think you see part of the problem...pballers are real good at moaning but not so good at getting off their fat ass and actually doing something about promoting their team. There are notable exceptions - but most of 'em are American an' French.

Use this forum for local info and to hook up with teams dude, it's free and the moderators are pretty easy when it comes to things like that.
