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PGI mag - not what it used to be...


( .)( .)
Oct 15, 2001
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Well just curious that might be a nice idea exept i can see a few problems . People would be able to bitch when there literary masterpiece of an article was not published (and i doubt they would be because if your team played in a tournament and you bitch that the tourney wasnt covered i rather doubt you'd remain objective in your coverage . ) Also I rather suspect that most readers just dont care about the 5 man tourney with the ten amateur b teams that came out . (i certantly dont ) It might be nice if i played a little local tournament and could get it published but i think the rest of the world wouldnt give a damn . And even without the tourney reviews which are nice PGI is still a rockin mag with helpfull advice and good gun reviews .

Justin Owen

American BadAss
Jul 10, 2001
Kenner, LA USA
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Let's face it...

...I mean PGI is an O.K. mag and all, but it's begun to fall waaaay short of what people want and demand.
After all, there aren't enough pictures OF me on the cover or within its pages.
There aren't enough articles ABOUT me on the inside.
There aren't enough words BY me throughout it.
And the name doesn't reflect the true, down to the soul focus of the magazine: ME!
So now, PGI editors and staff, here ye' here ye'...I am going to boycott your magazine unless you completely re-style it and make it all about me.


Remind anyone of any arguments around here lately???

:p :rolleyes:


Old School, New Tricks
Originally posted by TJ Lambini
Dude, is that all you got over there - 300 players?

Sheesh, s'more than that at the local high school...

Dude : Whats the count at SC on a weekly basis? 600 wakons average?

ctually, t's cool to read tourney reportd from S America an so on. lighten up. I's a big world.


(typing 1 handed with a broken wrist. kicker jumps hate me...)


wowi opened a can of worms with this one

firstly i'd like to start with a bit of an apology to Robbo and other contributors to PGI, perhaps 'crap' was an unfortunate choice of words for me. perhaps i should of put something along the lines of 'of no interest to me as a UK player' sorry guys. :eek:
PGI is still the best quality mag around, its just that lately there seems to be less and less thats of interest to me.
TJ your right, i do want to see my mates in the mag, why? cos thats what gives small NOV and AM teams a little boost to their egos. it helps keep them going. it seems of late that when PGI covers large events that most of the NOV and AM teams dont even get a mention and you cut straight to the finals (read the coverage of the campaign cup and the Camp masters) surely page space cant be that expensive? what i feel is being reduced is the progressive path from being a walk-on/newbie/NOV team to becoming a star player like yourselves.
Right now in the UK (and the world over) the paintball scene is exploding. more sites starting up, more punters and more new teams starting every month. these guys are the hardcore of our sport, and probably 95% of PGI's customers, these new players are hungry for information and things that are relevant to them. Sure its great to read about international events and PGI do a great job of that, but people like to know what is happening in their own country. Back when PA & PM magazines went to the wall we were in a recession, at the same time we were losing players, sites were closing and 10 man teams became 5 man, there simply was not the customers to buy 3 UK magazines. Surely now or even next year there would be a big enough market for new players? not just UK but europe as well. PGI could then become the top glossy international magazine and you could have a more europe & UK based mag for AM team and rec. would PGI lose customers? doubt it, players would buy both mags.

How about a UK scene page on the p8ntballer website? that wont break the bank will it?


SO hot right now
Aug 8, 2001
"The Yanks got Mardi Gras in New Orleans
And what have we got coming up?
I tell you what we got, a frikkin five man in a Birmingham cowshed !!!!" -Robbo

HAHAHAHAHA....its sooo true so very very true, why cover 5mans in cowsheds if you can cover big shiney tourney's, which attract a helluva lot more attention to the sport......

By the way, pgi does actually cover some of the little league tourney's, 'midlands masters' had a 2 page spread a while back, but who cares anyway, the UK only really hosts 1 big tourney a year and thats Campaign Cup, the simple fact is theyve got to go to where the action is hottest and it aint England, its over the pond, most tourney's over here are training days by comparison.....my mind just went blank again so im gonna stop typing now..

cya in Portugal luvers..:cool:
"TJ your right, i do want to see my mates in the mag, why? cos thats what gives small NOV and AM teams a little boost to their egos. it helps keep them going. "

And that's what I simply don't understand. As I have said before, I do a lot of enduro biking and also some martial arts...I fight at 'tourneys', I race major events. Do I ever get in a magazine, even when I do well? Nope.

Do I ever expect to? Nope.

Do I care? Nope.

Why? Cos the thing that helps 'keep me going', as you put it, the ONLY thing, is that I'm doing what I love. That's it. Don't want pats on the back or pics in mags.

Just do it.

And that aside, sentences like "these new players are hungry for information and things that are relevant to them", in the context you use 'em, are just bull**** man. Why? Cos that's what PGI gives...info on marker choice and how to play the damn game. THAT'S WHAT THEY WANT. How does seeing your name in a magazine improve your game? How does it help you choose a marker?

Explain it to me in terms I can understand, please, cos I keep hearing the same tired arguments and they still make no sense. IMHO they are an attempt at rationalising the simple statement, made so eloquently by J-Lo, "More ME please."



Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
wowi opened a can of worms with this one

Originally posted by RED HOT
firstly i'd like to start with a bit of an apology to Robbo and other contributors to PGI, perhaps 'crap' was an unfortuente choice of words for me. perhaps i should of put something along the lines of 'of no interest to me as a UK player' sorry guys. :eek:
PGI is still the best quality mag around, its just that lately there seems to be less and less thats of interest to me.
TJ your right, i do want to see my mates in the mag, why? cos thats what gives small NOV and AM teams a little boost to their egos. it helps keep them going. it seems of late that when PGI covers large events that most of the NOV and AM teams dont even get a mention and you cut straight to the finals (read the coverage of the campaign cup and the Camp masters) surely page space cant be that expensive? what i feel is being reduced is the progressive path from being a walk-on/newbie/NOV team to becoming a star player like yourselves.
Right now in the UK (and the world over) the paintball scene is exploding. more sites starting up, more punters and more new teams starting every month. these guys are the hardcore of our sport, and probably 95% of PGI's customers, these new players are hungry for information and things that are relevant to them. Sure its great to read about international events and PGI do a great job of that, but people like to know what is happening in their own country. Back when PA & PM magazines went to the wall we were in a recession, at the same time we were losing players, sites were closing and 10 man teams became 5 man, there simply was not the customers to buy 3 UK magazines. Surely now or even next year there would be a big enough market for new players? not just UK but europe as well. PGI could then become the top glossy international magazine and you could have a more europe & UK based mag for AM team and rec. would PGI lose customers? doubt it, players would buy both mags.

How about a UK scene page on the p8ntballer website? that wont break the bank will it?

Hey Red,
when the UK supported three paintball magazines, there was a customer base of something like 20 different companies.
Paintball may well be exploding in the States but that degree of growth is not apparent here. It has grown but not explosively.
Now, although we may not be in a recessive climate at the moment, there are really only four or so companies over here that would advertsie.
The likes of Planet, Powerball and WDP.
That ain't enough to keep the front cover in print, believe me.
If there were any significant growth in Paintball, the contraction of companies from 20 to 4 should have started reversing a long time ago, and it hasn't.
I honestly believe that the changes forced upon us those years ago not only ensured our survival but also benefited the vast majority of UK readers.
After all, we now cover events across the world of Paintball, read articles from top international players and review products from every corner of the paintball industry.
The real problem, and I will write a post about it later today, I think is a lack of promoters in this country and cheap thinking.
I will have to consider it very carefully before I write it because I know it's gonna piss some people off but WTF, I ain't gonna keep my gob shut for no longer.


Mother, is that you?
Mr Hot,

How are you reaching the conclusion that UK Paintball is exploding? I just cannot see that level of growth. Please, help us - share your findings.

As for doing a uk-only mag again, we need to see an increase in advertising and therefore more active Brit companies. There's about 6 pages of uk advertising in the mag - this refers to about three companies! In the old days we had summat in the region of 60pp of ads representing 100 companies - sites, manufacturers, shops. The recession killed them off? Yep partly, that and very many of them didn't have two business brain cells to rub together, and there weren't enough players in the uk to keep them all going. The recession hastened the demise, it didn't cause it.

pgi is part of a larger publishing companies, it is our job to know about markets - particulalry one that we'be been in for 12 years or so. However, and I'm being serious, if you think we've missed a trick, show us your research.