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PGI mag - not what it used to be...


Jan 2, 2002
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Originally posted by Robbo

the pro teams Stateside play the following, the NPPL series, 5 tournaments, Mardi Gras and the rest of the season for the top pro teams is taken up by playing whatever events they can in the Millennium...and that is it mate.
So to answer your question, the answer is 'Yes'.
Pokey little tournaments that say, the Banzais may play in now and again have no parallel Stateside, pro team excursions in the US are all frikkin big time tourneys and therefore warrant the coverage.
The Yanks got Mardi Gras in New Orleans
And what have we got coming up?
I tell you what we got, a frikkin five man in a Birmingham cowshed !!!!
An earlier poster had it right, we just ain't got the tournament organisers here who are willing to put on a good show unless of course you think running around a run down cowshed is a prime example of British promotional expertise.
Just my opinion u understand :)
Robbo (Not sitting on the fence)
Undestand now ?
I never said I didn't understand! I also thought I was putting accross a fairly 'balanced' view.:confused:


Seems the lack of UK coverage is down to the fact we don't have 'big'(what classifies an event as big?) events, so what can we do to rectify this?

Also is it fair to say that most 'pro' UK teams play the series events?

We all know that paintball isn't as popular in the UK as it is in the US so therefore we ain't gonna have tournies attracting 100's of players but we do have events that the UK pro's attend, just cos the event happens to take place in a cow shed does that mean that we shouldn't play? or that there won't be any good paintball played? No, we can only play what is put on. What are we supposed to do?!?!?

Also will the tribute Tournament be covered?


(falling off the fence)



Jan 2, 2002
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Let's face it...

Originally posted by Justin Owen
...I mean PGI is an O.K. mag and all, but it's begun to fall waaaay short of what people want and demand.
After all, there aren't enough pictures OF me on the cover or within its pages.
There aren't enough articles ABOUT me on the inside.
There aren't enough words BY me throughout it.
And the name doesn't reflect the true, down to the soul focus of the magazine: ME!
So now, PGI editors and staff, here ye' here ye'...I am going to boycott your magazine unless you completely re-style it and make it all about me.


Remind anyone of any arguments around here lately???

:p :rolleyes:

nope not really!



Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
One of the silliest suggestions in this thread was the idea of putting a UK orientated section on this site and/or in PGI.
Why the hell would the UK be treated different from any other country in the world? If you get that sort of thing done, I'll demand a section for the Dutch too, and I'm sure some other countries'll get on the bandwagon too. People talk about all the focus on the American scene, but I see no Yankee Doodle section on this site....Hell, I even remember day by day coverage on this site of the European events! What is there to complain about? From what I see, we get equal coverage to the American scene (and by we I mean us Europeans, including any isolationalist Brits :D ) Stop thinking so damn local! Yeah, there's a lot of stuff about American events, but there is NO stuff about Texan events, or events that are part of the Idaho league, or whatever! I don't expect any coverage on the events that happen in Holland and Belgium (except perhaps Mayhem, but if they won't cover that, I'll swim over and slap them silly :D ).
If you want an upcoming event published in PGI, send in some stuff! If you like having the chance of perhaps seeing your team in print, send in some stuff! I did, and from the answer I got, it proved to me that the PGI crew really appreciates the effort, and any other help they can get. Sure, the things you send in may not be printed, but that should not stop you from trying again! Not every item a reporter sends in to the Newspapers's newsdesk is going to printed.
There is plenty of information about the UK scene on the net, so why should you want to read the same thing again, on a site or in a mag that is targeted at a much broader audience?



Jan 2, 2002
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Originally posted by Buddha 3
One of the silliest suggestions in this thread was the idea of putting a UK orientated section on this site and/or in PGI.
Why the hell would the UK be treated different from any other country in the world? If you get that sort of thing done, I'll demand a section for the Dutch too, and I'm sure some other countries'll get on the bandwagon too. People talk about all the focus on the American scene, but I see no Yankee Doodle section on this site....Hell, I even remember day by day coverage on this site of the European events! What is there to complain about? From what I see, we get equal coverage to the American scene (and by we I mean us Europeans, including any isolationalist Brits :D ) Stop thinking so damn local! Yeah, there's a lot of stuff about American events, but there is NO stuff about Texan events, or events that are part of the Idaho league, or whatever! I don't expect any coverage on the events that happen in Holland and Belgium (except perhaps Mayhem, but if they won't cover that, I'll swim over and slap them silly :D ).
If you want an upcoming event published in PGI, send in some stuff! If you like having the chance of perhaps seeing your team in print, send in some stuff! I did, and from the answer I got, it proved to me that the PGI crew really appreciates the effort, and any other help they can get. Sure, the things you send in may not be printed, but that should not stop you from trying again! Not every item a reporter sends in to the Newspapers's newsdesk is going to printed.
There is plenty of information about the UK scene on the net, so why should you want to read the same thing again, on a site or in a mag that is targeted at a much broader audience?

You're right Bud, not everywhere is covered, I think I made that point earlier but Robbo chose to ignore that part of my post




Jan 2, 2002
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Its easy to look at the mag and say it should have UK reviews but with the current climate in the UK maybe we should just be thankfull we can get PGI in this country.





Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by Paul_collier
I never said I didn't understand! I also thought I was putting accross a fairly 'balanced' view.:confused:
Seems the lack of UK coverage is down to the fact we don't have 'big'(what classifies an event as big?) events, so what can we do to rectify this?
Also is it fair to say that most 'pro' UK teams play the series events?
We all know that paintball isn't as popular in the UK as it is in the US so therefore we ain't gonna have tournies attracting 100's of players but we do have events that the UK pro's attend, just cos the event happens to take place in a cow shed does that mean that we shouldn't play? or that there won't be any good paintball played? No, we can only play what is put on. What are we supposed to do?!?!?
Also will the tribute Tournament be covered?
(falling off the fence)
Hey Paul,
I am not for one second saying teams should not attend, I am just saying that perhaps you may understand the reluctance of the magazine to cover an event that is held in a frikkin cowshed as against the likes of Mardi Gras.
As for good paintball being played there, the field sizes are a disgrace as is the rest of the place in my opinion, and I don't think good paintball, as I know it, can be played there.
Perhaps you think different !
That event takes paintball back to the dark ages !!
Now I am fully aware that this event is one of the very few put on at this time of year in the UK but that does not mean the promoters have the right to take the frikkin piss out of the teams who attend with shoddy facilities, formats and prizes.
Basically, teams who attend, are taken advantage of because there is nowhere else to go at this time of year.
With the amount of teams attending, there are sufficient funds available to put this event in an arena worthy of the number of teams entered and also reflective of just how far paintball has come in the past five years.
Now, before I start hearing bull**** babble about how this has to be paid for and that, look at any Millennium event, look at Skyball, look at any of the NPPL's, look at Mardi Gras, then look at the entrance fees and compare them to the Cowshed, do the pro rata maths, and what do you get ?
Hmmmmmmm, I tell you what we get, we get UK paintballers getting ripped off !!!
The whole approach by UK promoters has got to change, the Millennium guys such as Niall, Laurent, Pedro, Magued have all seen the long dollar, why the hell have the rest of the guys over here ignored it?
True, Steve Bull and John Payne are doing great things up North with their Sup' Air tourneys and should be accordingly applauded but that's about it I'm afraid for tournaments outside of the Millennium.
We need to wise up over here, we got the teams, we got the money, we just need some people to do the **** and give us tournaments that do justice to the teams and players in the UK.
Robbo :(

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Originally posted by Robbo

Robbo :(
Now you've done it! You've made Robbo cry! :D

Do some of these people who posted on here (not saying any names) realise they come across to an 'outsider' like me, as a bunch of spoiled brats? I'm starting to think that while playing the only thing you think about is your make up, and if your good side is turned towards the camera.:rolleyes: C'mon people! Play ball, stop posing!


Active Member
Jul 10, 2001
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you all need to know that PGI is read by players all over the world. The problem is that if PGI start to cover every little tourney in England just beacuse they are english it would be deadly boring for the rest of us.
And what is it that make you guys feel that your teams and your small events deserve the publicity and coverage and other European small events dont? Just beacuse PGI should be patriotic or something?