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PGI mag - not what it used to be...


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Magued : Please Read

Originally posted by Magued
you all need to know that PGI is read by players all over the world. The problem is that if PGI start to cover every little tourney in England just beacuse they are english it would be deadly boring for the rest of us.
And what is it that make you guys feel that your teams and your small events deserve the publicity and coverage and other European small events dont? Just beacuse PGI should be patriotic or something?
I would be interested to hear what you (as a successful promoter) have got to say concerning the state of tournaments over here in the UK as against the ones I previously mentioned.
Your Swedish Millennium event is one of the most popular events in the Paintball calendar and is attended by teams from all over the World.
Please give us some insight as to the criteria you adhere to when promoting your event !!!
Cheers Mag
PS Come on Niall, u got a view on this as well, don't sit on the fence on this one, help us out here !!!


Paintball Addict
Originally posted by Buddha 3

Now you've done it! You've made Robbo cry! :D

Do some of these people who posted on here (not saying any names) realise they come across to an 'outsider' like me, as a bunch of spoiled brats? I'm starting to think that while playing the only thing you think about is your make up, and if your good side is turned towards the camera.:rolleyes: C'mon people! Play ball, stop posing!
I have yet to play in a tournament - let's get that out of the way. However, it seems one of the perks of local tournaments is the fact that publications are NOT THERE covering everything. I am registered for a local tournament at the end of February. It is a three-man tournament, and I have the feeling twenty teams at the most will be entering. The beauty of it? - there is no trophy, no sponsors, and a small prize that will barely cover the cost of paint and entry. I play because I love to play paintball, not because I want to have my face seen by every paintballer in the damn world(like there would be a market anyway :D). The only factor that attracts me to the larger tournament scene is the pool of players they draw from. When I am ready, I will enter a major tournament, just to see where I stand amongst the great players of the sport. All the other bull**** will just be lost on me. Like Buddha said, quit your whining and PLAY BALL!


Jan 2, 2002
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Originally posted by Robbo

Hey Paul,
I am not for one second saying teams should not attend, I am just saying that perhaps you may understand the reluctance of the magazine to cover an event that is held in a frikkin cowshed as against the likes of Mardi Gras.
As for good paintball being played there, the field sizes are a disgrace as is the rest of the place in my opinion, and I don't think good paintball, as I know it, can be played there.
Perhaps you think different !
That event takes paintball back to the dark ages !!
Now I am fully aware that this event is one of the very few put on at this time of year in the UK but that does not mean the promoters have the right to take the frikkin piss out of the teams who attend with shoddy facilities, formats and prizes.
Basically, teams who attend, are taken advantage of because there is nowhere else to go at this time of year.
With the amount of teams attending, there are sufficient funds available to put this event in an arena worthy of the number of teams entered and also reflective of just how far paintball has come in the past five years.
Now, before I start hearing bull**** babble about how this has to be paid for and that, look at any Millennium event, look at Skyball, look at any of the NPPL's, look at Mardi Gras, then look at the entrance fees and compare them to the Cowshed, do the pro rata maths, and what do you get ?
Hmmmmmmm, I tell you what we get, we get UK paintballers getting ripped off !!!
The whole approach by UK promoters has got to change, the Millennium guys such as Niall, Laurent, Pedro, Magued have all seen the long dollar, why the hell have the rest of the guys over here ignored it?
True, Steve Bull and John Payne are doing great things up North with their Sup' Air tourneys and should be accordingly applauded but that's about it I'm afraid for tournaments outside of the Millennium.
We need to wise up over here, we got the teams, we got the money, we just need some people to do the **** and give us tournaments that do justice to the teams and players in the UK.
Robbo :(
True and understood! :)
This will be my first attendance at this indoor, is it really that bad??
I fully agree with everything you've posted here!
Bud I think you're spot on!
Its easy to think that we should get coverage living in the UK (think I may of fallen into that 'idea' as well) but looking at the BIG picture, the UK will get coverage in time, when the tournies are right.



Jan 2, 2002
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Originally posted by Robbo

We need to wise up over here, we got the teams, we got the money, we just need some people to do the **** and give us tournaments that do justice to the teams and players in the UK.
Robbo :(

Do we really? after speaking to Steve I kinda got the impression that for the amount of work and money it took to put on an event like Simply the best supair profit margins we're minimal.

Enough talk though and I spose this is a new topic but how about we get organised and get the tournies that do us justice, who would be the people to organise this? I'd of thought the UKPSF would be the obvious choice but then we go full circle :confused:



Jan 2, 2002
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Originally posted by Walker (PsychoPimps)
Problem = Paintball Games INTERNATIONAL.


Just a thought........:confused:
erm what u saying buddy?

thought we'd already established a purely UK mag would sink like the titanic?!?


Walker (Nitro)

Who's Maria?
Jul 8, 2001
Im not so sure, if they targeted it at the UK rec and Tourney scene, try to get a few more newbie customers and all? how do you think magazines like trains UK and Knitting monthly go on?:confused:


Jan 2, 2002
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Originally posted by Walker (PsychoPimps)
Im not so sure, if they targeted it at the UK rec and Tourney scene, try to get a few more newbie customers and all? how do you think magazines like trains UK and Knitting monthly go on?:confused:
As funny as they both sound they're both probably a lot bigger then paintball in the uk!!!! I bet there's a hell of a lot more knitting type shops in the UK then Paintball shops, look in the yellow pages and tell me I'm wrong!

Sad but true.
