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Physical Training


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Mar 18, 2002
Reading UK
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Originally posted by Mak_Daddy_*69
Can any1 tell me wot the best program is eg wot to do and how often.
am a front player by the way
I don't know about the best way. But as a front guy you need to work on burst speed and also on the strength of you back and shoulders. Since you're likely to be in strange contorted positions most of the time.

I think its this months PGI that has a few tips on fitness.


Tonight we dine in hell
Apr 17, 2002
For a front man, speed, flexibility and torso strength are key.

Speed - You need to get where you're going fast. Sprints, jump squats and more sprints are good exercises.

Flexibility - you need to fit in those small bunkers up front and contort yourself into various positions, so start stretching. Hamstrings, quads, groin, lower back and don't forget your calf stretches.

Torso strength - you'll have to hold some awkward positions (see contorting yourself), so you'll need strong abs and lower back to stabilize yourself, and good shoulder and arm strength for holding your marker. Crunches, leg lifts, hyperextensions (lower back), shoulder presses and arm work. Throw in some back and chest work to even it out.

That should hold you over until Buddha writes the book. :D