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Positive Discrimination


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2008
yeah but by that logic you could argue that hitler was merley trying to continue evolution by killing all the jews,
and have you thought that by giving the weaker and more needy a stronger footing that we are continuing evolution as we have evolved beyond our base instinicts of survival of the fittest, we arnt animals any more..... we have ethics and morals......
I really would like you to explain me why the jew can't be "white human 20-30 years old male".
And i'm affraid we are animals, they do have moral, sometimes well more than us ....
Giving weaker help is good, but they is no weaker, just different people who can all get a job if they want it !
I think people play with discrimination to defend themselves without caring if it is discrimination or not. And people suffering of real discrimination are suffering more because of these people.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2009
I really would like you to explain me why the jew can't be "white human 20-30 years old male".
And i'm affraid we are animals, they do have moral, sometimes well more than us ....
Giving weaker help is good, but they is no weaker, just different people who can all get a job if they want it !
I think people play with discrimination to defend themselves without caring if it is discrimination or not. And people suffering of real discrimination are suffering more because of these people.
i was using the jews as an example, and how do animals have morals, in a pack of wolves if one member of the pack is weak or has a broken leg the rest of the pack will leave it to die or even kill it. that dont sound moral.
admitadly by doing that they are saving the rest of the pack. because they dont have the means to heal it or help the injured wolf along but we do. So it returns to my point we have the means to help the injured and it is part of our evolution to see that we should help them, not leave them to die.


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2008
So, if a business is weak, you help him ? People I see usually buy them ... Is that moral ?

When you are fired even for good reason, you try anything to go to tribunal to get as much money as you can, is that moral ?

On magazine you have nude star pictures without their autorisation, is that moral ?

When something unusual happen, like a baby with 5 feet (just an example), some people ask to do first page on magazine for this, is thaat respectfull on the baby ? Really moral isn't it ?

When someone is no dead but can't move, and breath/eat with artificial help; living him like this is moral ? Is that really offering him help ?

Is stealing moral ? Is killing our planet moral ? Is abusing of helps moral ?
Is trying medic on animals moral ? Is opening dead body to learn more about humans moral ?

Moral is just a point of view, there is no moral, that's just a word created for us to looks like more than animals ...

And, little question, How do you want the wolves to save the other one, call a wolve doctor ? :D


Active Member
Jul 28, 2009
lol wolf doctor lol:D
no i dont expect the wolves to help each other,

your right thoes things arnt right, but thts what im sayin,i cant decide what is and what isnt right, but all im saying....my original point was that we cant resort to survival of the fittest, as thats going backwards in evolution if anything.
we cant just leave people to die or discriminate against them just cos there disabled, black white, male,female ect......

lol wolf doctor:D


I Would
Dec 6, 2004
Anybody wanna respond to this, please don't leave him to me...please....
Go nuts ,I've only just seen it and I can't be arsed tonight so I'm evoking Godwins Law (again) ,and really it should be T'shaka's post that gets the reponse as it's far more provoking of discussion.

Plus I think he's a bit of a rascist calling Jews all week and needy 'n' that...


Dec 16, 2008
S****horpe ... gah
ok think of it this way you have someone who is disabled and cliams benifts for this and lives of the taxpayer. now say there disability is something like ... paralisis of the low body , or leg amputee. Basicly anyone who is wheelchair bound and have been for all there life. is it moral that although they dont pay any tax and havent done ever that they can live for free because they cant walk.

One of the fittist healthyist people i know is an instructor at my college gym called Al he is wheelchair ridden and works for a living does the wheelchair marathon too.

Is it moral that your more likely to get a job interview when your an unqualified black woman then the stupidly qualified white male, simply because of the colour of your skin.

Society has reached a point in which political correctness is out of control.
Everyday school items have to be renamed to avoid racism with black boards and white boards now called chalkboards and whipe boards.

Im suprised that when you order clothing you dont pick colours between red yellow green light and dark. then again asian people could complain then.


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
yeah but by that logic you could argue that hitler was merley trying to continue evolution by killing all the jews,
and have you thought that by giving the weaker and more needy a stronger footing that we are continuing evolution as we have evolved beyond our base instinicts of survival of the fittest, we arnt animals any more..... we have ethics and morals......
So errr, you subscrube to the Nazi theories on race and eugenics then????

It's probably fortunate that the rest of the world figured out that exterminating a people based on religion has FA to do with evolution, or actually even race for that matter.

Now I realise that you probably saw a picture of some "Jews" in a concentration camp at school yesterday, but let me let you on a little secret. The reason the peoples in the striped pyjama's looked thin, pale and diseased was due to being worked to death on starvation rations whilst living in un-sanitary conditions. Now, no religion in the world can do that all on it's own; can it?

You then go on to write about having ethics and morals. Now you must either be some sort of higher functioning ironic wit, or just a fcuking idiot.

Also in a thread about positive discrimination, I don't even know what relevance exterminating 6 million people on th basis of religious belief actually has? They were positively discrininated against to death? Seems a bit final to me, I think they'd rather be discriminated against in the long run, even if that meant a diet of sausages and sauerkraut.

Why don't you think before you post. Oh and as to evolution, please do us all a favour by not getting you're 14 year old girlfriend pregnant and diluting the gene pool any further.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Guys, I think it's best not to respond Joshie otherwise you are gonna end up pulling your hair out. I think however, the following line of his is somewhat deserving of 'quote of the year' :-

'my original point was that we cant resort to survival of the fittest, as thats going backwards in evolution if anything'

No doubt Darwin might wanna contend this point.
And of course, this is but the tip of that particular iceberg called Joshie.

He's 15, got the world at his feet and feels a need to express himself, which of course, we have all done at some time.
Joshie however, has yet to gain the maturity to know when it's best to read rather than write ..... he has a few more years to run of the former I think before he tries to engage anybody intellectually in this forum ...


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
I suppose what I posted was a bit harsh, but with only 3 hrs sleep my tolerence level was diminished. Plus you've ruined my fun. I was almost expecting him to come back with a misattributed Stalin quote about killing 6 million "Jews" only being a statistic (as opposed to a tragedy). And like Hitler, Stalin was a proper w*nker too.

Whilst he might be a youngster, I do think by the age of 15 people should know the difference between real Nazi's and the video game ones in Call of Duty.

Anyway, I've no doubt that with positive discrimination in this country many of our youthful miscreants can look forward to a career in Government or something, rather than picking peanuts out of poo.