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Pro, Am and Novice - an outdated concept?


lurkin' in a dark place
Aug 7, 2001
Selby ...near York.
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have already put thingz in motion.......but the internet community is sceptical...

I have spoken to several Teams and have their backing.....what will it take to get rid of the sceptics?

Am just a Joe Schmoe....but can see we need organising....

To all out there......in the UK......are we going to become part of the 21st Century?.....or hide in the 19th?......thats where we stand at the moment.....

Change is not a bad thing....


Is anybody actually against the idea of regualation on the basis of quality?

I am a member of what can only be described as a "begginer" team, but at the end of an acedemic year we start to look quite good. What do you do with teams like this? (besides wup their arses at the start of each season?)

At STB we were short of a player, and managed to recruit quite an experienced player after borrowing a couple players for the first game ot two (many thanks Alien), what if we'd recruited Lasoya at this point? Would we have been shifted about at such a late stage?

There will always be problems, BUT regulation is something that would improve this sport.

What the hell do I know anyway?

See you in the midle

Richard Kirke


Hello again
Jul 9, 2001
Wherever I may roam
I'd be up for the registration thing but again it's the enforcing that's the issue.

As various posts have pointed out the actual Millenium Rules are often not adhered to and enforced (gun throwing incident at Campaign etc etc) so enforcing team grading will be a nightmare.


Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2001
Griffin, GA, USA
Individual Player Rankings

I am reading all these posts and I like what I see. You definitely need some kind of ranking system that puts you in the proper (division).

The best way to eliminate teams sandbagging in tourneys in my opinion is to have individual player skill level rankings. This would eliminate the problem of teams mixing players to form different teams.

Each player will given a rank from 1 to 4 or something like that. 1 being entry and 4 being pro.

I know this would take a lot of tracking and a lot of work to be a success, but if the paintball players wanted it to work bad enough I believe it could.

Just my suggestion.



Mother, is that you?
Side issue really, but anyone interested in a 'fantasy paintball league' like with the footy in the uk? I hear pgi is looking to launch something next year.

Any ideas on how it could be scored? Could be the basis of a database?


Platinum Member
Jul 8, 2001
New Zealand
The PanAm is already using a player registration system, and after some implementation issues it seems to be (at least over the net) working well ....

How hard would it be for the Millennium Series to implement something like that - probably not very. How much would it cost - good question, but I doubt that it would break the bank of players.

The key is to have systems that are similar to each other all over the world. To have them administered by the same "authority" is probably asking too much - but if everyone was to use the same system, administered in their local area (i.e. Europe, USA, Australasia, etc) then you would have a truely international ranking system by which to rank players. Wouldn't it be cool to be able to travel anywhere in the world, and be able to grab a pickup game with a team that was short - BECAUSE you had an internationally transferable "playing" rank?

Issues for a system:
1. Getting international agreement to a system
2. Getting international agreement to playing ranks (i.e. Pro, Am A , Am B, Novice, Rookie, Division 1, Division 2, etc)
3. Having a system that is transferable and transparent
4. Figuring out a relegation/promotion system that is easy to understand and easy to administer.

Anyways - that's my bit. Happy to work in Australasia with anyone that wants to set something international up once and for all. [EMAIL ME HERE IF INTERESTED]



New Member
Jul 6, 2001
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Whilst i agree with all this talk of registration the topic has moved away from my original intention.

I was trying to point out the absurdity of the division names Pro, Am and Novice

Pro : What is so Professional about Pro teams?
Am: Am teams can hardly be refered to as Amateurish
Novice: What is a Novice player?



Village Idiot

Barking Mad Member
Jul 11, 2001
Costa del Eastbourne
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Good question.

Surely it's a title issue, or is it?

Literal meaning - Only players that make a living from the sport are really 'Pro', ie you get paid to play.

And as for Pro teams, Am teams are regularly stuffing some of them. ...so what's the alternative? Divisions of course?.... forget the Pro Am Nov Entry stuff, as it would all sort itself out.

Tournie rules would then have to forbid teams or players from playing down a division. Guesting in lower div teams would have to be outlawed.

The problem arises when a tournie at Temple say attracts 20 entries, three from Div 1, 13 from 2 and 3 and 4 from Div 4.
How are you gonna set a fair tournie? Who's gonna play who? Are all teams gonna be happy with the running order? I doubt it.
Is the organiser gonna limit entries to make sure that equal divisions are assured? I don't think so....not if he's in business to make money. Nightmare stuff for the organiser!!

It really only works when you have a large tournie and an equal amount ot teams from their respective divisions.

Then there's player incentive, there has to be something for players to strive for, move up the divisions, become a Div 1 player.

Our present system just doesn't work, Tournie players pay to play, and at the end players are looking for value for money, recognition and to excell at the sport. And if Paddeo's pissed off, it's the systems fault.

Unfortunately, unless something happens, some markers will eventually get thrown in the back of the garage and forgotten about.


New Member
Jul 6, 2001
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>>And if Paddeo's pissed off, it's the systems fault. <<
Forgive me if i sound pissed off, i am not i just think it is "silly" and divisions make more sense, in theory least.
