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Pro players ????????

rst steve

I built your Ego, Geo
In my eyes if you are a true Pro in a sport surely your sponsors pick up the bill????

In every sport i have had dealings with and there are quite a few a pro is someone that gets payed to play not someone that has to pay out of his own pocket for anything. If the team has a number of sponsors then they pick up the cost of the travel, accomodation and so on. If not then maybe they are not a pro but a semi pro????????

Correct me if i'm wrong.


FunKy-a$$ FleA Ba$$isT
Mar 20, 2003
Visit site
They do Steve, they pay everything so that you just have to turn up on the field, but they don't just hand over cash in a briefcase. It obviously differs between sponsors in what they do for you, but a lot of it is along the lines of 'Here's £x worth of Loaders/Paint etc., now go sell it and make money for your team'

That's why there are lots of custom team guns etc. for sale.

Dynasty, as another example, sell lots of Shockers for their funds. Like I say, teams are businesses.


ps, we had a good chat about it at work.....until we started winding each other up ;)


Toot de la fruit!
Nov 8, 2004
James- "normal folk" as you put it have full time jobs and can work until they retire ,

pro players (that earn a livin off paintball), they are not gunna play at the top level forever, what happens when they are like 50 years old?, (they will be thinkin why didnt i sell those 20 jerseys i gave away in my career for $100 each and have $2000 to pay rent etc)

i have give away tops of mine to people i know who wont sell it , and if they do then i will want nothing to do with them anymore, good example a certain team i know sellin stuff that my team given them so they can play HB that year, i felt like a mug and learned my lesson

pro hockey/football etc players are very well paid so why would they charge a fan for their top, unlike pro ballers that are pretty much bums that sell guns on myspace/pbnation etc

Fi$h- can i have your top please? ;)


May 30, 2006
****ehole West Yorkshire
if a top was given to me, it would have sentimental value, so would never be sold
if i paid for a top it would have no sentimental value and would probably eventually be sold for paint money.
it is the pros choice really, i know they have to make money too so i wouldn't think any worse of them


Feb 11, 2005
On The South Coast Baby
I know that dynasty and some of xsv give there tops to fans who they know are fans and know they have even given guns to them for free.

You might be surprised with the allocation that the pro's get for there tops.

The RL only used to get 2 tops a year so that's why they are hard to get hold of.

dynasty get some tops free but have to pay for the rest of them, because they make there own so they are only doing them selves out of money if they just give them away all the time.

I managed to get hold of a RL 2007 jersey, brand new from their coach last year and would never sell it on. Wouldnt want the russian mob coming after me


Toot de la fruit!
Nov 8, 2004
I managed to get hold of a RL 2007 jersey, brand new from their coach last year and would never sell it on. Wouldnt want the russian mob coming after me
i think the russian mob mite be after you for a different reason ;)


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2005
I bought my Red RL Jersey off Alex Lundqvist when he was selling it on PBnation, If he hadn't been selling it there would be no way that I would have it now, I love RL but can't exactly go to their tourneys and ask them for one. Even though it was well worn I was so happy I got it and love to play in it, worth every penny, I wont sell it because it's RL, it's rare and nobody else will have one (players got 1 training jersey each).

More recently got a disruption jersey off ollie in return for a favour. The jersey was probably worth more to me than the favour was to him but I am grateful for it and definately wouldn't sell it.

So in my experience the players should decide what to do with jerseys they have put hard work into earning. Though if there's a guy down the local field that always watches and asks questions or just has mad respect for the pro then it would mean so much more for that pro to just give it to him, the good feeling of seeing someone enjoy what you gave them would be better than money, but I don't think it's bad to just sell it.

Also, im glad the pros do decide to part from their jerseys, playing in kit you can feel proud for owning (even if it's not your team) is important for field confidence and my jerseys have helped me...
win a tourney,
play one of the best teams in the country,
and at a trial, didnt get in but it gave me the confidence to play above my level, and walk away a better player for it.