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Pro players ????????


Dec 1, 2005
Whats your price?

My lad was at the Joy training clinic at NPF Bassets Pole today and bought a jersey (used) off Max Lundqvist (for an undisclosed amount) and Max signed it for him and the the smile on his face was worth a million quid.
P.S. he is there tommorrow playing sup'air and rec ball with walk on players if you are interested, Max will be playing as well all day:eek:

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
As pointed out already, they get a lot more tops than they do other gear, which is the exact point why it would make more sense to sell these.
Not picking on you Spankster, simply using your comment as others repeated the same misconception.
On planet Reality pros don't get gear bags full of free jerseys. They just don't. On four teams I have yet to get more than 3. And I know what normal policy with a number of other teams is/was given their sponsors. So for starters there aren't loads of jerseys just waiting to be handed out.
Secondly, most of the teams that have jerseys available are purposefully attempting to market them -- not give them away.
Thirdly, you might be surprised how many requests players get--even pm's from total strangers--requesting this, that and the other thing and telling all manner of stories to try and convince players to give them stuff. And you can guess what happens to most of it.

Players would be stupid to give stuff away anymore to people they don't know because 9 times out of 10 the request is strictly mercenary.

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
As usual, Paul speaketh the truth...

Secondly, most of the teams that have jerseys available are purposefully attempting to market them -- not give them away.
Which makes a lot of sense, given the tight budgets (and getting tighter). As long as players are not getting paid to play, or even have to pay to play, they have to find ways to create revenue for themselves or the team.

So next time a pro hands you a jersey, get on your knees and show some proper gratitude.


Sandbaggin' aint easy
Jul 8, 2005
Something is only worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it!!

In my opinion YES pros should give away their tops, but, like most people have allready said, the pros even have too pay for stuff too so its a tricky one..............

Paintball has become more of a fashion show these days and the young kids will do anything when they want someones top!! I think they would kill their own mother to get it!:eek: They will pay over the odds to have the latest Ollie Lang jersey without thinking, but at the end of the day is it doing anyone harm?? If they have the cash I guess its better than them spending it on Booze and ciggaretes?

I played pro last season and it cost me and arm and a leg to play,you have to beg, borrow, steal whatever it takes if you want to survive.............

I'm glad I got out when i did.........:(


soon to be a gun whore
Feb 20, 2007
James- "normal folk" as you put it have full time jobs and can work until they retire ,

pro players (that earn a livin off paintball), they are not gunna play at the top level forever, what happens when they are like 50 years old?, (they will be thinkin why didnt i sell those 20 jerseys i gave away in my career for $100 each and have $2000 to pay rent etc)

i have give away tops of mine to people i know who wont sell it , and if they do then i will want nothing to do with them anymore, good example a certain team i know sellin stuff that my team given them so they can play HB that year, i felt like a mug and learned my lesson

pro hockey/football etc players are very well paid so why would they charge a fan for their top, unlike pro ballers that are pretty much bums that sell guns on myspace/pbnation etc

Fi$h- can i have your top please? ;)
pebble gave me his jersey and i think awesome and really kind and i'm never gonna sell it.
But i believe pro players should sell there jerseys and stuff for money because they play big tournaments like milleniums nxl and stuff like that yeah some normal teams play milleniums so what if pro's get a discount i bet there still spending alot travelling for the tornys training so what i'm saying is pros end up spending alot still so why not sell there jerseys?

this is only my opinion.


Toot de la fruit!
Nov 8, 2004
ha Eddie -recently you said to me last thursday askin me about roster locks cus you got the bug back


Active Member
Aug 1, 2003
Montreal, Quebec, CANADA
I collect jerseys.

95% of them I have got directly from whom ever wore it. Why? Because I'm a friend, a business associate and a fan. . . . The people who give them to me know they will have a permanent home as part of a fan collection.

I don't have any issues with Pros selling them if they can. . . .I think the part that sucks is when so called "fans" ask for a jersey only to sell it on PBN the following week.

Makes it harder for true collectors like myself to get jerseys. . . . . .

I do think we need to sit back an evaluate the inflated prices for jerseys though. . . . have you seen the prices on paintballautograph dot com?

The Jeremy Salm "Sniper" jersey is $2 Grand!!!!!

I have a Miami Rage jersey in my collection, and I have been offered $500 for it. . . and you know what (believe it or not), I said no because it was given to me by a friend.

Just like all collectibles, <b>they are only worth what someone is willing to spend on them </b>- and since the PBN kids un-naturally inflate the prices of jerseys, they will continue to sell for stupid prices, and Pros will continue to think the jerseys are worth more than they really are.

so. . . . . .anyone want to give me a jersey? :p


Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Just like all collectibles, <b>they are only worth what someone is willing to spend on them </b>- and since the PBN kids un-naturally inflate the prices of jerseys, they will continue to sell for stupid prices, and Pros will continue to think the jerseys are worth more than they really are.
You do see how you are contradicting yourself here, don't you?

Another contradiction I see (not in your post, but in general) is how people keep bitching and moaning about wanting paintball to go mainstream, well guess what, this is one of the consequences. So finally there's a sign of things getting serious, and it's still not good. Make up your mind people!