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pump guns


New Member
What's wrong is that you don't seem to be able to allow others to have the choice. Someone else says "I want a pump" you say, "Why on earth would you want that when you could have a mediocre semi auto for the same price." well something to that effect anyway.

Different strokes for different folks I guess, but have you even ever gotten to use a pump gun? Much less seen a high quality one like the Phantom?



New Member
When did he say that he ONLY wanted a pump? He is, in this current thread, asking about GOOD PUMP GUNS. He may own a good semiauto, you don't know. He may be purly old school. That may be his game.

Different strokes for different folks. Some folks prefer the stroke of a pump.



Old School, New Tricks
Good pump for under $300, look at The Phantom or the Sterling. (See PGI in the near future for that review...)

As for why shoot a pump? Dude, some of us LIKE being able to play all day on 500 balls.

(I'm NOT a happy camper right now, in fact I'm kinda in the mood to DEMONSTRATE why I like to shoot a pump gun. Volunteers?)



New Member
Aug 18, 2002
Visit site
i want a pump cause i like the style of play better. plus tipp are all gay, but not the 98 flatline thats kick ass. ne way im going to buy the phantom and theres nothing u can do to stop me!


Old School, New Tricks
Debunking the flatline

Originally posted by brenden7
...the 98 flatline thats kick ass.
Some years ago Tippman brought out their Flatline ot Skyball. They set up this shooting range that had a banner hanging in the center, the idea being that most semis had to ARC the shots, and htey'd hit the banner. The Flatline could sent paint out that far, no problem.

Ok, fair 'nuff. But we walked up with our Phantoms and Piranha pumps (old guns), and took a few shots. In my case, after one to get the actual range in play, I could hit thier target with my Phantom.

"I'm not impressed." I said. And, yes, it chronied at 280. And, I suppose that if you're not used to range like that, it's impressive. But, I can match it with a Phantom.

It was kinda funny to see players try to get as LOW as they could to arc a ball JUST UNDER the banner, and miss anyway. :)
