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pump guns


Team Wikings
Mar 19, 2002
He might have reasons...

1 - He already has a Semi
2 - All his friends play with pumps
3 - It is a very nice to play rec-ball with a pump
4 - He just does...
5 - ;)

A Sterling is also very nice... I just got my hands on one (And I already have a Shocker 4x4 and an Impulse) - It is VERY smooth!!

For a cheap pump - get a used Tippmann SL68-II (You simply cant trash these) - They shoot Fine though the can be hard to shoot fast with...

Have fun - All of you!!



New Member
Dec 24, 2001
San Diego
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Good job on lookin for a pump!

Try them out! Phantoms are great! sheridans are great! I am a big guy and like a solid marker! Phantoms I dont understand because I have never really used one and I am not one to have to keep upgrading and tinkering with. I like a marker that ya dont mess with. Never owned a sniper but have used them too and love them but there is some tinkering involved! I mainly use what is called a RTP Viper (no relation to the viper that us out htere to day.. I am pretty sure) It is similar to the Palmers markers which I like VERY much!
DONT BUY A CHEAP CR*PPY pump! it will ruin your fun! get a good one and stick with it! I own 5 pumps as we speak and one semi.. never owned a Tippman.. I remember when they first came out and all they did was blow o-rings! though I am interested in the A-5..
I ramble!
Hey MICAh!


Feb 11, 2002
Planet, 0161
nothing wrong with pumps at all, ive had a cocker for 8 years but would have to say that i enjoy playing pump just as much if not more, nothing more satisfying than taging somone using a £1000 gun with a trracer! they REALLY hate it if you mug them....and yes i have done it! trracer vrs automag, hehehe didnt even see me coming!

infact ive just arranged to buy a sniper2 off somone and intend to borrow a few bits from my cocker and play the planet walk-on with it!


Old School, New Tricks

If they do the Warped Sports Big Game again next May, wanna do a stupi?

You, me, flight to UK, crash somwhere out there, play the UK Big game with the Phantoms, show these people what REAL pump play is like. (Fly 1/2 way around the globe to shoot 300 balls....)

And I KNOW that we can wrangle up UK players who want to play pump, but feel like they're gonna get their bums handed to them on a platter.




New Member
It's a hell of a thought ... I just don't know if I have that kind of an income. Lifeguarding only gets me so far ...

I've never been to ingerland, paintball would be a great excuse to go.

Stupid money ... I need more money.



EBlade *fap*
Apr 26, 2002
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Originally posted by Tyger

And I KNOW that we can wrangle up UK players who want to play pump, but feel like they're gonna get their bums handed to them on a platter.


Now that would be funny, time to break out the gold phantom :) I think I know another guy with a sterling that would join us... maybe even convince Manike to play pump too !!!
