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Ramping - Robbo's Article in PGI 195


Jan 2, 2002
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The past few months I've been very focal for 'allowed bps ramping' as Mark and I'm sure others have noticed....
My views then were based on, training with ramping and not seeing a clear way we can stamp out the cheats, a couple of months down the line my opinion is changing.
If there is a route to semi auto it must be explored and implemented.


New cut and carved spine!
Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by Collier
The past few months I've been very focal for 'allowed bps ramping' as Mark and I'm sure others have noticed....
My views then were based on, training with ramping and not seeing a clear way we can stamp out the cheats, a couple of months down the line my opinion is changing.
If there is a route to semi auto it must be explored and implemented.
I agree entirely.

What route are we exploring? 'cos I'm all for it.


Active Member
Apr 9, 2002
Durham, North East England
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after spending half a day reading this..

Heres my 2p worth....
I do not agree with ramping, cause you can not police it.

There will always be someone who can write new code and build in "cheats" into a "electric" marker.

The 15bps cap is a way of saying "if you can not beat them, join them" type of crap.

But I also think that Robbo's idea, using the ref's to spot a ramping marker, is open to abuse as well.

I like Ben's idea of the agitated hopper. That would limit the rate of fire far better than a 15bps cap!!!

I had a chat with "Hatt's" a couple of months ago and said the same thing to him, as for people using "modified" hoppers, whats wrong with the tournie organiser providing a hopper for each player??

You would need 10 per field, so it would not be that expensive, and tournie organiser's are made of money anyway.:D :D

Now that would level the playing field......

JM #036

May 27, 2005
Pompey Ranger!
since tourneys have started allowing ramping i haven't seen any enforcement for the 15bps cap rule!!

if ure gonna bring in ramping then enfore the rules 100% and go the full way, dont go half way and allow ramping with no checks etc

also what it stopping some1 having a cheat board will a lil code with the buttons, so when u r being checked u can make it capped at 15bps, but when ure playing u can make it 25 bps full auto!!

i think the ramping at a cap of 15bps solves nothing for stopping gun cheats!!

Russell Smith

The Paintball Association
Originally posted by Raffles

To take this off-topic (which you seem incessant on doing - again) - I was perm. banned by Russell Smith (as well as threatened with physical violence by him) - that's why I am no longer on the PA forum - that, and the fact that I don't even want to be.

As he has said the above I hope the Mods on here allow this reply to stay for a while before they delete both.
I banned Raffles for a week from the PA forums and he then sent admin an e-mail asking them to remove all his details from the system, and they did.
The reason he was banned was on the PA forum there is a child section and he went in there pretending to be a 14 year old (and he is in his late 30s).
I took offence at that and banned him for 7days and sent him a mail saying why.
And as for the threat of violence - why on earth would I just for that.



Originally posted by Russell Smith
As he has said the above I hope the Mods on here allow this reply to stay for a while before they delete both.
I banned Raffles for a week from the PA forums and he then sent admin an e-mail asking them to remove all his details from the system, and they did.
The reason he was banned was on the PA forum there is a child section and he went in there pretending to be a 14 year old (and he is in his late 30s).
I took offence at that and banned him for 7days and sent him a mail saying why.
And as for the threat of violence - why on earth would I just for that.

And that's where this subsection of the thread ends - I trust you will both leave this little discussion alone now and only make posts that are directly pertinent to the thread?
