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Recognition as a 'sport'


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Agreed, as an NHS employee :( And kinda relevant, 'cos it goes back to Pete's point about people being in charge having to be the types not looking out for their own back pockets first ;)
Pump, ya know it's not just looking out for these types who value money but also those who value power.
The type best exemplified by traffic wardens, a lot of those pratts don't do it for the money, they do it because they like to 'wield' power, it is their way of validating theirselves after being bashed up at school for being a nerd.
There are people about who would love to get in such positions of power within our sport just so they could feel important as well as wielding some power .. we need to keep that type well away from such positions.


Going....going....not quite dead yet...
Jun 21, 2004
oldham - lancs
...Raffles: Are you sure "Delta Force" put in the application to the Sports Council? I understood it was the organisation known as the 'UKPBA'? I could be wrong, i haven't checked myself?? I'd be very surprised if it is DF! ...
I've no idea Gupster. I didn't mention them first ;). I was simply asking the question.


Platinum Member
Sep 1, 2004
rochester, UK
Did anyone else get the following e-mail, apparently from dazdread?:eek:

"so exactly how many party's are actually trying to be our representitives now"?

"QUOTE"I would just like to let you know the following.

Myself and the managers of a few other teams have got together to form an association for paintball club managers with a view to improving the quality of paintball clubs in the UK. With a few simple innovations to bring the teams together as clubs and secondly to have clubs that meet the criteria of the "Sports council" in the case of recognition and as a base for continuity.

We are a non-partisan organisation which will not be aligned to any leagues or trade bodies and we will try to produce a policy of consistent promotion of clubs across the country, expansion of the game through teams utilising the media and to instil a club mentality with the introduction of and nurturing of players new to the game.

If you have any interest in joining and helping us in this venture then please visit www.umpma.co.nr

I will invite you formally now as well, this is for managers and assistant managers only, please spread the word under the radar and encourage other teams/clubs you know to join our association... ultimately we will become a voice FOR the clubs in paintball.

Best regards

Darren Woodiwiss
UK Paintball Managers Association"UNQUOTE":confused:


Platinum Member
Sep 1, 2004
rochester, UK
So is dazdread forming a rebellion? an alliance? will it be associated with another body, or what's going on?
I'm all for a players group to represent the players and be non proffit making so as to ensure they only work for the good of the sport, but i fail to see how the UKPMA will actually function let alone stand up and represent our sport as a single governing body?

Fair play to dazdread for trying but has it been fully thought out and if so could someone let other people have some kind of idea as to it's capabilities and goals:cool:

Iron Lions - Ed

Active Member
Oct 16, 2003
At the moment the idea is just to try an increase the communication between team managers and share best practise.

With sufficient participation at a later stage it would be hoped managers will be able to better represent their views to organisers etc and represent the teams as a unified body. Bur for now the simple ambition of getting team managers communicating with each other is the first goal.


Platinum Member
Sep 1, 2004
rochester, UK
At the moment the idea is just to try an increase the communication between team managers and share best practise.

With sufficient participation at a later stage it would be hoped managers will be able to better represent their views to organisers etc and represent the teams as a unified body. Bur for now the simple ambition of getting team managers communicating with each other is the first goal.
Well i'm all for that but the e-mail seemed to imply that the UKPMA wanted to take over the world and run the show? Well if that was the case then he needed to move fast, but if he sticks to being a representitive voice and as a communicator between teams, then will the UKPMA have any impact if another organisation becomes our representitives first?
The object is to get the teams to represent themselves and to instil a level of management that would be agreeable to the sports council should they ever accept us, as it stands no paintball clubs would be able to benefit as they would not qualify due to not meeting minimum standards to gain grants... hurumph, if there are any of those available.

The leagues and governing bodies can look after themselves and we are not looking to become the national governing body, indeed as the assosiation suggests it is a collection of managers. Getting the grass roots sorted.

www.ukpma.co.nr UK Paintball Managers Association

The reason for no broadcast thread is to try and get as many teams in and to actually agree on what needs doing. To formulise our own constitution, create a standard minimum constitution for clubs and finally look towards clubs successfully promoting themselves and the sport before the public lamblasting begins and de-rails the whole thing, which it inevitably does.

In answer to your question then, no, it has not been thought out any more than a concept. We would be here to aide any organisation that does gain the Sports council recognition but until then would offer no bias (Non-partisan) apart from demonstrating that as sport clubs we are ready.

Please draw your own conclusions as to whether we are a worthwhile organisation, it is too early to tell if we will get enough teams involved to make the project tenable as it will need to be representitive of the masses.

Granted, there will always be transient groups that do not want to lay the foundations and structures of Clubs to ensure longevity but then again many will. This will require the absolute minimum of effort from the clubs involved (15 have signed on so far) although as we have no constitution yet they may not go the whole nine yards but as I se it, if every one is involved in its formulation why would they not.

If by taking over the world you mean "Becoming a voice FOR the clubs" then let the world be our Oyster :D

Any more questions please do not hesitate to contact me or any other members.

All the best


Going....going....not quite dead yet...
Jun 21, 2004
oldham - lancs
sooooo...to summise Daz's essay ;).

The UKPMA are trying to help any organisation obtain SC recognition - not work against it.

Some of the longest running teams are there because they are run as a 'club' and not just as a few mates who fancy a 'kick-about'.

This is the major difference. Who knows, maybe there will be a UKPMA only tournament in a few years - but that is still a long way off ;).