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Robbo - I choose you


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Im not trying to Prove any point matey, And Defeintly <<< (I KNOW WORD I CANT SPELL) and i certainly dont want to be attracting this sort of attention ... Well not if its of the Negitive Nature...

All im saying is... I was Asking if you do 1v1 's (As a general Friendly thing)

Not as in a (Im better then Robbo) kid too mouthy for his own good Challage..

But of the "for a laugh" Nature

If this is unresonable and Jumping the gun .. I am sorry and will leave it at that... But there are certainly people that agree its not as much as a big deal as people seem to make out

The one thing i dont understand Robbo, Is why when anyone even MUTTERS a word about you that in some way , Some how, Possibly may of been said the wrong way.... Why do 200 People come rushing in Protecting you and Totally Bum rubbing around...

Dont people understand your a Grown Man , Well built Pro Paintballer thats big enough to stick up for him self and host a Simple Thred... Expecially to someone Half your age...

Now again im properly wording this wrong.. But if you do make any sense of it .. Let me know

Cheers mate
As you suggested in your last line Jason, if I do make any sense of it, I'll be sure to let you know...


PS Jason, just because people agree doesn't mean they are brown nosers, it just means they agree.
The alternative is to disagree with me and then they might as well go get a huge neon sign with the words 'I am a numpty' emblazoned across it and wear it on their head.
These guys ain't protecting me Jason, they are agreeing with me and you may well find something similar happening to you if you ever get round to posting something that makes sense.


The one thing i dont understand Robbo, Is why when anyone even MUTTERS a word about you that in some way , Some how, Possibly may of been said the wrong way.... Why do 200 People come rushing in Protecting you and Totally Bum rubbing around...

That's the whole point. No one is protecting him. He dont need it. He would not want it. If you know Robbo and i have done for a number of years you know how interlec..... clever he is. Especially in an arguement.

So if someone comes stumbling on to the site ;) posing a question that we have a fair idea how he will react to. There's alot of us who'll steam in and join the banter :D

For instance when he had a problem with Nexus playing in two different events on two different continents at the same time. He thanked everyone who had offered their oppinions and stated that he'd had 30 odd players offer to play for Nexus to fullfil their commitments.

I posed the Question : How odd did you have to be ?:D


Demolition Squad
Nov 6, 2005
East Sussex - Brighton
you're selling yourself short Pete, i bet those skills are so well honed that you could do it blindfolded.

Your always in my dreams pete, always. ;)

Robbo you truly are a modest genius!!
Had me laughing.
If you hit the dog would that count as part of Blunkets kit and would the Dog where the mask or Blunkett?
All sorted Pete :rolleyes:

A village somewhere in the UK is missing it's idiot :p

If these sort of posts dont make you wanna VOMIT Robbo , Then fair enough... But these are example from Just 1 thred and i didnt even find them all... Its truly Sickering

Tom Allen

Jul 4, 2003
i think you'll find that they are meant in fun, not as an attempt to suck up.

Time will be your healer jcressey, all will become clear as you see more.

Tom Allen

Jul 4, 2003
We have an advantage over you, we know each others humour. So you won't see as much use of the smilies in our posts, unless we need to make it more obvious than it needs to be.;) ;)


Demolition Squad
Nov 6, 2005
East Sussex - Brighton
KK, Wernt looking at the Names there matey.. See i caught ya twice :p
Was simply Looking for the more Sickening posts

Can you take that as my Humor yeah... Any anyway My Humor is known on here.. For Example Robbo Banned me for 5 days for trying to sell A Iron in sted of a ION..

We all need to make are money for paint some how:)

Come with a Top of the Range Board too :D