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Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by TJ Lambini
Maybe, but then ain't it apples Vs oranges?

You know, boxers can only knock over the guy who's in front of em...Turks knocked out some big teams, same as Legion.

Plus the Legion have benefitted from up-to-date equipment and are starting from building blocks in terms of what has gone before that the Turks never had.

It's a bit like comparing the Roman dude who ran the first marathon to Haile Gebrselassie...pball has moved on a looooong way in the 6 years or so since the Turks were at their peak...

The Turks wouldn't stand a hope in hell gainst thwe Russkies now; but the Turks at their peak vs Ruskies, in the woods, same guns...Turks win.

OH MY GOD (I say again), you really want it both ways don't you ?
You say in one breath that the Turks achieved more than the Legion yet in the next tell us you can't compare apples and oranges, now make up your mind, do you want to do a relative analysis or not?
Coz If you do, my assertion still stands, the Legion playing badly would slaughter the Turks at their best...No argument !!
As for technical and hardware differences, you gotta be kiddin me, weren't the Turks on Cockers and Mags?
'Yes' they were, the same guns that are still contesting on an even footing with all others nowadays.
So that point my friend is not only erroneous but academic.
And if you knew anything about paintball, you would realise that to knock out some big teams as you call it, all those years ago is vastly different now.
The competition is 100 times harder than it ever was all those years back because there are more teams contesting at the top and the teams below are so numerous and accomplished in their levels of play so as to make it damn hard to achieve a win even in the prelim stages of a Millennium tournament.
And the level of play overall, is so much more advanced and technical than years back.
As for asking who would win in the woods, the Turks would still get their ass handed to them as the technical side of the game is easily transferable from one format to the other with no real problems as we have already seen in the transistion from woods to arena with no real effect to existing hierarchy.
But that is such an academic question anyway, that it scurries into the dustbin of 'silly and meaningless assertions' on its own.
All in all TJ, if you knew what you were talking about, you may even get to play for a good team....now what team did u say u played for?............Hmmm, thought as much, another wannabee proballer but it’s ok Lambretta, the paintball world has a fair few of them so you are not on your own, I suggest you catch the next plane to a little island in the English channel called Jersey, you will feel at home there, I promise :)
Ah, the warrior returns...

You said 'And the level of play overall, is so much more advanced and technical than years back. '

That was my main point hombre...you only knock over who's in front of you, you only develop to a higher level when you're forced to by the competition, so comparitively, Turks then, legion now, I say Turks are better.

It's like that soccer team y'all had in 66 that won the big ol' Cup thing - they'd get their asses whupped by your team now..and they're only ranked maybe 20th in the world nowadays.

And of course I want stuff both ways...that's the kinda guy I am.



Lord of the Ringtones
One question you have to ask yourself though to actually make a Dream Team work: would these people get along? It'd be hard to run practices and win games if you have too many charged egos colliding and spending more time jabbering and throwing things at each other than concentrating on turning the opposition pink and orange and black and blue. Sure you can have the best individuals for what they do, but can you have the best individuals to work together with and for each other at the same time? Tough to say. Get them together in a room with a keg or two, one less woman than enough for all the guys, and a jukebox and see how well they get along first before putting them on the field and potentially hanging each other up by the undershorts instead of hanging the flag.

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot

Okay, the fight so far.
We see TJ going technical, giving short jabs to try and find weak spots on his opponet. However, it seems as though Robbo wants this to be over quick, and is coming in swinging. This match can go either way, folks!

I personally liked seeing how Robbo took a swing, that not only connected, but managed to hit two spectators as well, who shall remain unnamed, but they hail from an island that sounds a bit like hershey. But this flurry of blows has left TJ undaunted at this point. Let's see what happens in this round.........

Anyone got some more beer?


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by TJ Lambini
Ah, the warrior returns...

You said 'And the level of play overall, is so much more advanced and technical than years back. '

That was my main point hombre...you only knock over who's in front of you, you only develop to a higher level when you're forced to by the competition, so comparitively, Turks then, legion now, I say Turks are better.

It's like that soccer team y'all had in 66 that won the big ol' Cup thing - they'd get their asses whupped by your team now..and they're only ranked maybe 20th in the world nowadays.

And of course I want stuff both ways...that's the kinda guy I am.

So let me get this right, you are saying, that in your estimation, The Turks when they played against their opponents and achieving the results they did is somehow superior to the Russian Legions achievements in contemporary paintball, I think this is the essence of your assertion.
Now how the hell you can say that when you readily acknowledge the competition and level of play is so much harder now beggars belief.
The Russian Legion have beaten every top team there is, And that is all top euro teams and all the top US teams who venture over here, they are also consistent finalists in the Millennium.
Now the Turks were a just above average pro side in the mid nineties achieving a Mayhem win and maybe a couple of other tournament victories elsewhere.
Now for you to suggest, and also for people to take your suggestion seriously, you have to do two things, firstly you have to be reasonable and secondly, you have to have acquired the respect of others by not only knowing what you are talking about but having the required experience to make a valued judgement.
You fail in both areas.................miserably.
The Turks were great ambassadors of the sport at that time, of that there is no doubt, but I do not let that affect how I analyse their game and relative merits.
I stand by the fact that I have vastly more experience of both teams than you, both on the field and off, I also know my paintball and I think people will make up their own minds as to who is talking **** and who isn't.
But please, please don't try and finish this one off with, 'Well, it's just a matter of opinion anyway and mine is as valid as yours'
I say '2+2= 4', you say '2+2=5', a matter of opinion ?
I think not !!!
PS Oh and I did hear u liked it both ways, so no great news there !!!!!!


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Oct 22, 2001
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Ok I kinda understand what these guys are getting at, the only thing that is confusing me is Who are the Turks? Now before anyone has a big go at me for not knowing, just to let you know I have only been playing for 3 years and have never heard of them.