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Russian Legion Xball...


Pigeon amongst the cats
Sep 25, 2002
Location, Location.
sorry baca - i was agreeing with robbo/brown nosing. It was a crap joke, therefore a crap post, which as im sure we'll all agree comes in line with most of my posts. ;)

EDIT ADDED: Just checking. :cool: TFP


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Jun 8, 2004
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Hmmmmmm, it cuts deep Nick.........

No need to rip the guy apart, i didnt see any personal insults in there to warant such a reaction, so his theories are a little flawed,
no need to act like he's just pissed in your pocket.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by timmy-p
No **** Sherlock !!!

No need to rip the guy apart, i didnt see any personal insults in there to warant such a reaction, so his theories are a little flawed,
no need to act like he's just pissed in your pocket.
There are a lot of things you ain't seen Mr Hollington do, and until you know the full story, I would think it might be a good policy for you to keep yer nose out of it lest you look as stupid as he...mind you, I just looked up your registration email...it's timhillingdon@yahoo.co.uk....... kinda reminds me of something...hmmmm......now what could it be????

Tim Hillingdon....Ron Hollington....nah...nobody could be that stupid...... could they???

Hahahahaha, jeez, you really are stoopid Ron, now go back to bed, mummy's callin'


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Jun 8, 2004
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hello mr stupid here not Ronnie Hollington he's the computer compatible one but glad to se you concerned about him. Just making a piont about a certain agressive attitude around here mr Ribinson. Have i said anything unjustified?


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by timmy-p
hello mr stupid here not Ronnie Hollington he's the computer compatible one but glad to se you concerned about him. Just making a piont about a certain agressive attitude around here mr Ribinson. Have i said anything unjustified?
Shut up Ron, u r now banned !!

Both names are !!!!
Back to the Rooksies

Out of interest, how many people have seen a lot of US and EXL X-Ball? Is it only the Lundquists (I know I've spelt that wrong so I appologise Max) who have?

I don't think I'm the only Brit who would love to see the Ruskis wipe to floor with the Americans (mostly out of a british tradition of loving an underdog that isn't trying to spoil things for me), but on the other hand even if they did I wonder what difference that would make:

1) Would the NXL have to include them for its own credability?

2) Would it help any other Euro teams? Or would it just result in somebody else to struggle to keep pace with?

Just some random thoughts

Either way, wish I could be there to see it



Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
I think something needs to be made clear here, it is higly unlikely (but not impossible) the Russkies are gonna wipe the floor with the top Yank teams though their recent improvements would tend to suggest they are now serious contenders and not just pretenders to the throne.

I haven't seen that many NXL games but Laurent has seen a lot and after talking with him on the subject (and he does know his paintball) he is also convinced of the Russian's equality if not supremacy with the top American teams.

To answer Question 1 :- The NXL are gonna struggle (in my opinion) to keep its existing potfoliio of top teams.
The NXL is looking to survive at the moment but as part of this strategy, it may well not be a bad idea to greenlight the Russkies in at a reduced franchise rate for obvious reasons.
So, I think the NXL may well offer the Russians a slot (which I think Sergey may well consider) if the NXL is still to survive this next year.

2) I'm afraid whilst the Russians success may well inspire some other Euro paintballers, the harsh realities of exactly why they succeeded can't be ignored.
They have money, lots of it, an awful lot of it.
They have players who can commit to full time training.

The Yanks have money, lots of it, an awful lot of it.
They have a player pool to cherry pick from of literally tens of thousands.
They train several times a week.

I'm afraid the rest of us Euros (even the serious ones) are just gonna find the Russkies are one more team to struggle to keep up with.

In the UK, we have three serious pro teams, Shockwave, Tigers and Nexus (no disrespect meant to others), we have varying degrees of sponsorship but none of us come close to the Russkies.
None of us come close to their training frequency so it should come as no surprise that our prospects look bleak when it comes to comparing us to them.
We can aspire to compete and even indulge in the rhetoric of defiance but we might as well all go and piss in the wind if we are looking to emulate what the Russkies have shown is possible.

Our only way out, and there is only one that I cna see, is for players to recognise that a greater emphasis has to be placed upon individual training.
I am talking about guys training at least three times a week, that's fitness, reflexes, drills and game time.
Three out of those four disciplines can be trained without the need for the team getting together.
If people do this, and the coach knows what he is doing, and the resources are there to support the team's training infrastructure needs, then we have a chance, anything less then you might as well undo yer zip now and wait for the next gust of wind to come along.

Individual player sacrifice and commitment is now the key to any serious pro paintballer in Europe....basically, we gotta act and train like true professionals but ironically....... without the money!
Nice reply, thanks

it is higly unlikely (but not impossible) the Russkies are gonna wipe the floor with the top Yank teams though their recent improvements would tend to suggest they are now serious contenders and not just pretenders to the throne.
Laurent has seen a lot and after talking with him on the subject (and he does know his paintball) he is also convinced of the Russian's equality if not supremacy with the top American teams.
Would it be fair to say that Laurent gives the RL more credit than yourself here? That does appear to be what you are saying. If that is so then that is very interesting and I wonder why

Guess we'll have to wait and see

Could be very interesting...

[edit to correct typo]


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Nice reply, thanks

Originally posted by Richard Kirke (DUPS Rocket) UK
Would it be fair to say that Laurent gives the RL more credit than yourself here? That does appear to be what you are saying. If that is so then that is very interesting and I wonder why
The only reason Laurent can do that is because he is much better informed than I because he has seen all of this season's NXL games as well as all of the EXL games, I have only seen the Russkies play XBall, I haven't seen any NXL at all so any comparisons I might make would be relatively not as well informed.

I would love to see the Russkies kick their asses believe me if only to give me some belief that teams who try to play fair can actually win something thru sheer hard work and dedication.


"nil taurus excramentum"
Jan 20, 2004
Originally posted by Robbo
Yeah, let's examine the evidence of American psychology-
The US ain't got no Great White Boxing Hope, what do they do?

Hollywood to the rescue guys....Rocky, Rocky, Rocky !!!!!

And hey Presto, they got a white boxer who can rule the world.

But hold on a min my American friends, that's only fiction.

'What u saying ma poor English Limey cousin (by the way, we saved ure ass in the war), u tellin me Hollywood ain't real'?

Durrrrr......yeah :rolleyes:

And have you heard about Hollywood's newest creation?
It's all about a great white American soccer player who goes on to lead the US to an astounding, heart-rending win in the World Cup scoring the winning goal in the dying seconds with the said same player going onto become President of the Good of the Ole Us Of Ayyyyyy....all done with a soft lens and the soundtrack of a melancholic piano in the background playing minor chords with all subsequent TV interviews with the star of the film thanking God, his family, his analyst, his pet dog and finally breaking down in tears.......it's appropriately called....Cocky, Cocky, Cocky !!!!!!!!
It's real I tell ya, it's real....

robbo yet again so write m8.we had 6 week training camp with 110th russian engineers in osnabruck germany & the guys never wanted for nothing & were loyal to each other to the hilt & shared with each other.now the septiks well what can i say ,that they were in a dreamworld ""as usual''!/mollycoddled like babies & couldnt hack the trainin ,owe & had to much to say """" for a change lol""""".yeah so they aint a spot on like the ivans & were the only ones who could keep up with the brits in drinkin gamblin & fightin .all i can say is that the legion have my total respect& recognition,they r a force to be reckond with!.