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Series 2004 - Skirmish Notts


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
The kind of people who do this sorta cr@p won't respond to any moral pleas or outcries, it would be just like water off a duck's back to them.
They are low lifes, they know they are but this will never stop them, the only we hope we have is that one day, we can catch one and then his anonymity is no longer a cloak for his dirty deeds.

Onto more interesting points regarding the Sunday, I would first like to thank all of the teams that both Nexus teams played against, as well as thanking Bully and all of the marshals for jobs well done.

Both our teams tried to play 'in yer face' aggressive paintball from the get go with varying degrees of success, both teams learnt from the experience.

What was interesting for me was seeing a lot of players who, if only given the chance, could cut it at the pro level as it stands now.
Most teams present had guys, sometimes two or three, who could play real good ball and if these kids were harvested and groomed, the UK paintball scene would be transformed overnight.

I don't know what aspirations these kids have in terms of what they wanna do, like playing with their mates in their existing teams or maybe wanting some serious ball, I just don't know, but what I do know is this, we got some serious talent lurking around in teams that would enable me to put together another five Nexus's.

Interesting and frustrating stuff !!!


Factory Paintball
Dec 7, 2003
The problem arises though, that no matter how much a single person or a team would love to take their Balling to the next level, it is just impossible to fund. With a lot of the existing teams building on the small corner of the sponsorship market and keeping it for yet another year, it makes it harder and harder for the smaller teams or new teams to compete on the larger stages of paintball. In the end the larger teams end up raping the smaller teams of their most obvious talent and the rest of the team never managed to catch up on the skill level, some people learn faster than others, and I believe that anybody can play as well as anybody else with enough commitment and training. The bigger teams will survive because they can rape the smaller teams of their players and the smaller teams with talent do'nt get the provisions to take it to the higher level of paintball!

I will get off my high horse now... sorry. But it was nice to see Twisted back on the scene and surviving the burn out period the went through last season, Unforunately Panic Attack seem to be experiencing the same fate this season!
Just think what would happen if all up and coming teams were given the provisins to play all the ball and all the events the wished? We would definetly end up with a better level of paintball!

I would give anything to take my team to all millenium and NPPL events and we would learn so much so quickly- Look at the Nexus success story.....


New cut and carved spine!
Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by pretty boy diss
been reading all the angry posts about the kit theif/s.

And to be honest i dont think typing threats and cursing on open forums will do anything except teach youngsters new swear words they can try out at school. and if he is reading all these posts, none of what people are saying here will make a blind bit of difference, he got away with it and is probably sitting at home now laughing at us all.

All people can do is be extra vigilant about their kit, and if you have to leave it for a while, let someone you know and trust look after it.

Its a shame something like this had to happen, it was bad enough finding out 2 box's of our paint had gone, but as vodka kid said, it puts things into perspective.

Maybe a real hard lesson is to be learnt from all of this, dont leave kit unnatended, wether its in a car, or in the staging area.

But i do hope the culprit is found.

Could we have a list of anything that was stolen on sunday so we can keep a lookout for them.
OK then............... we won't be present at any more after tourney presentations. I've always insisted that we did, but never again, even if we win. It's the only way to keep stuff safe, as for having a go at the thief? well it makes me feel better, and my threat is real.........I will be watching, I will be hiding and I will be leaving easy pickings for him........... if you don't think that will make him think twice, then you don't know me very well.


Wizard, of sorts...
Feb 27, 2002
Nottingham, England
Congraulations to all the winners at the tourney, it sounded like an ace event that i'm sorry i missed.

Well i didnt plan to miss it, i was going to come down and watch but i decided to crash my car on the way over. I live 15mins away from Skirmish Notts but on the way there i went off the road on black ice a mile from my house and crashed head-on into a gate post. About 1700 quids worth of damage it seems, so.....that's a pisser.

I'm looking forward to getting back into ball in the summer when uni is all done with, but i fear that judging from comments about the level of play on show that i would be well out of my league.

Dec 29, 2001
land of the picts
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Originally posted by JoseDominguez
...I will be watching, I will be hiding and I will be leaving easy pickings for him........... if you don't think that will make him think twice, then you don't know me very well.
thats probably the only way the little ****ers will be put off. putting posts up etc appealing for more honest behaviour just wont make a blind bit of difference .

at the end of the day its just unfortunate that just about every hobby/sport that you engage in will also attract a certain amount of scum and unfortunately the only thing that people like that inderstand is a good ****ing kicking.

if it hurts them then they will think twice about doing it again. it is paintballers, they are in a team, you probably played them on sunday, quite a lot of you will know them. the difference is that you work hard to pay for what you want and they just steal it.

perhaps a couple of people (staff or players) could be stationed in the car parks for the presentations? even if each team had to take a turn once a season. that would give adequate cover. if it doesnt stop then all i can see is most people packing up after the last game and heading home. thousands of pounds worth of kit just aint worth it



Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
Got to agree with all that :)

Always like to make a point of staying for the finals and presentations. For the sake of an hour I just think its good to give people there dues for winning there divisions etc. It would be a shame if people didn't stay because they were afraid there kit was going to go walkabout :(

Also agree that it isn't much of an effort for a few players from teams to wander around the cars to make sure everything is sound :)

Also I know everyone is saying that the people that did this is a paintaller/paintballers. I disagree, a paintballer is someone who shows some respect for other peoples kit, and appreciates how expensive and difficult it is for some people to play the game... these people do not show this courtesy :(


New Member
Apr 9, 2003
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Anybody else see the game on the hyperball field where a guy in a yellow Tshirt ran around like a crazy man and shot out like 5 of the other team when he was left in on his own?!:eek:

Was mad piece of skill. Know who it was? Or what team it was, they all had shirts that didnt match so no help there, just wondered if anyone knew who it was? he ran from one corner to the other, then back, then up one tape, then grabbed the flag then shot the last 2 guys, was crazy!:cool:

Dec 29, 2001
land of the picts
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Originally posted by L1f3
Got to agree with all that :)

Also I know everyone is saying that the people that did this is a paintaller/paintballers. I disagree, a paintballer is someone who shows some respect for other peoples kit, and appreciates how expensive and difficult it is for some people to play the game... these people do not show this courtesy :(
that kinda like saying a paintballer wouldnt shoot the **** out a road sign on the way home from a tourney and they dod that last year.

all sports will attract a minority of scum, we just need to weed them out and give them enough of a kicking, oopps i meant encouragement, that they wont come back