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share your brain cells as ive picked all mine out

Ben Haycock

Active Member
Jul 16, 2012
I know there is oth threads similar but this ones for me.
Ive got 500ish to spend on a marker
If im honest im torn between an ego 11 and a geo3 but I open to other suggestions
Im after a marker that is reliable and easy to maintain myself
Can anyone offer adbice as to which marker to pick between the geo and ego 11 and why? Or what other suggestions you have and why?

Alex H

Killuminati #33
May 27, 2013
United Kingdom
I would personally get the geo as i'm a spoolie person. I think the ego 11 would be more efficient on air but the geo would have a smoother shot. The ego would be easier to maintain ( I think ). For 500 you could get a geo 3, dm12 ( around 300 ) luxe 1.0, ego 11, saw an LV1 go for 500 earlier so not sure if the prices for them are going down. Best thing to do is to try as many markers as you can, if there's a local walk on i would suggest doing that. Overall it's all your own personal opinion. Luxe 1< Lv1 < DM < GEO < EGO
but that's just me


Aug 19, 2003
I know there is oth threads similar but this ones for me.
Ive got 500ish to spend on a marker
If im honest im torn between an ego 11 and a geo3 but I open to other suggestions
Im after a marker that is reliable and easy to maintain myself
Can anyone offer adbice as to which marker to pick between the geo and ego 11 and why? Or what other suggestions you have and why?
Your best option is to go try out those guns yourself, as you will pick them both up, have a shoot, and one will feel like it belongs to you more than the other.

Either pop into a Paintball shop if there is one near to you, or get yourself down to the next walkon/tournie close to you and ask some people about their kit. If you are polite and ask nicely enough, most ballers will be more than happy to offer you a little go over the chrono.

Ben Haycock

Active Member
Jul 16, 2012
I've been to a few recently a shot ego 11, lv1 dm13 which gave me a good idea but obviously I don't know what they are like to maintain and if they are reliable etc
I'm happy with the way they all fire but just need to know if people have had problems or can elaborate on their experience with them

Alex H

Killuminati #33
May 27, 2013
United Kingdom
I've been to a few recently a shot ego 11, lv1 dm13 which gave me a good idea but obviously I don't know what they are like to maintain and if they are reliable etc
I'm happy with the way they all fire but just need to know if people have had problems or can elaborate on their experience with them
P.E has the best customer service and their markers are extremely reliable IMO, the ego 11/lv1 would be easier to maintain due to them being a poppet but with the DM it'll only take an extra 10-15 minutes. Dye has also helped me with any problems i've had with my previous markers.


Aug 19, 2003
I've been to a few recently a shot ego 11, lv1 dm13 which gave me a good idea but obviously I don't know what they are like to maintain and if they are reliable etc
I'm happy with the way they all fire but just need to know if people have had problems or can elaborate on their experience with them
Like any gun, lube the moving parts, or rather the orings, and dont fiddle!