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Show of hands, how many of us have nailed a ref on purpose?


New Member
Aug 25, 2001
Independence, MO
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Permboy, when you're in a tourney and the ref is inadvertantly covering the guy you're on, you have to move him. I scream first, but you know how that is, there's 19 other people screamin' stuff too. I assure you, I don't do it for fun, also, there's the bad karma thing. I ref too, and I don't some jerk poundin' on me 'cause I can't shoot back. Permboy, take a big-anus beach towel on the field with you and use it as a reffing shield. They work great for that, and it helps the players identify you a bit better. Also Permboy, get out of the players way, and you probably won't get hit as much:D .


Old School, New Tricks
I've shot a few refs, mostly be accident, but in one case this guy was in my line, and stepped INTO it while looking at the guy I was shooting! So I followed what I thought was good ettiquette.

I yelled "REF! MOVE!" Nothing. "REF!! MOVE!!" Nothing. So I put a ball between his legs just under Mr. Happy, which was my arc to nail the guy. Ref got the hint fast, I got my guy. All happy happy.

And I didn't need to shoot the ref! Just make it clear I would have...



New Member
Aug 25, 2001
Independence, MO
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I played one tournament where the ref had a big netted shield. The guy kept standing between me and the center player on the other team. I yelled. Nothing. I past his head and he just held his shield up blocking about thirty balls going towards my opponent. It really pissed me off the guy wouldn't move. I guess he thought covering some guy meant more than letting me get a shot on someone.:mad:


New Member
Aug 14, 2001
It was really only a days recball but it was an open field. How to explain it?
Best way is to say ww2 trenches is what it's like. They were all experienced players and it definitly came from my team i was flagging for.
B**tards :)
I got a fluffin nice welt right on my neck just under where my mask ear protectors are. fluffin kills :)