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Lord of the Ringtones
Actually that's not so bad if you're playing SupAir and slide into it when there's someone on the other side. We saw that a lot up at Skyball and it made for a lot of fun double knockouts at the flag station. It's not legal by most rules to run into them, but to slide into them from a certain distance away is perfectly fine apparently, or isn't and they just didn't care. Hey, if the opportunity comes up, try it!


Jul 17, 2001
it may take a while before you can judge your slide distances correctly, but I'll tell you what...

It's can give you endless amounts of fun :D
Just make sure you get some decent knee+shin pads that don't ride up/down your legs too much and make sure they fit!!


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May 8, 2002
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sliding is badass

do any of you guys use the baseball style slide with with feet kicked out and going in on your side sort of? cuz you are all like go in on knees, but kneepads, but i think that the feetfirst is best as long as you don't midjudge and run into the bunker or anything (sucks to hit your head on it, heh heh). then there is the headfirst nosedive...always a wild one

Tigger The Bouncing Assassin

****** with a capital 'R'
Feb 25, 2002
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Being a marshall at a Rental site, I normaly have to run into the middle of a fire fight to fix some poor noob's de-cocked gun/open hopper lid/fallen off barrel/ outta gas gun. to advoid getting lit up like a christmas tree by their trigger happy opposition, i get good practise by sliding into the bunker with the helpless noob. i find it easier to 'baseball' slide, feet first, being carefull not to impale the player with my football ('soccer' for you yanks :)) boots. its all about judgement, timeing it right. the foot first gets you right behind the cover, and lying right on the floor. a good trick is to practise forward diving rolls with a crash mat. get good just diving head first onto the mat, and rolling out with hurting yourself. then, try to stand up using the momentum from the dive. then, add a pball marker and mask. after you can do this with out killing yourself, put the mask and marker down, and try diving over a SMALL, SOFT obsitcle. then, after you get good it it, add marker and mask. after that, rase the heigh and solidity slowly, trying not to kill yourself! This move rases eyebrows at the site, and makes for a quick dive for cover if your bunkering move goes off half cocked! beleive it or not, i can actuly clear 1.5 meters high jump by running at it and diving headfirst over it like i do in Pball. i take no liability for injry occring out of attemps to follow the above. breck your neck, your on your own!



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Oct 23, 2001
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I prefer the "knee-first" slide, since you're already in a good shooting position when you stop. My brother prefers a baseball-style feet-first slide. He digs his cleats into the ground right before the bunker, and pops up into a shooting position using his momentum. An awesome situation he wound up in yesterday was when he and an opposing player went for the same 50 bunker off the break. They both saw each other sliding in, and popped up to shoot. The only problem was, the other player was a lot more experienced, and came up aiming, while he had to adjust a little. If he had been 1/2 a second faster, he would've gotten the elimination, instead of being out. Oh well...
