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Smart Parts Monster?

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Jan 9, 2005
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Who was using an excuse about being 14? not me! i may of metioned me being 14 but thats not an excuse... so actually i think your the dik...:rolleyes:


WCK Killa
Oct 11, 2004
swansea, wales, uk
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and i probibly could but if the spelling bee costists of the words Dribble Dribble i think this goober would win!

mate kid child toddler fetus watever you are these so called old men have jobs to do and when they get home their tired because they have a 9 - 5 of work not a bloody 9 - 3:20 that consists of giving teachers abuse and whinging about homework
and you say you can rip him up on the feild wow big deal doesnt make you a better person in life just means your some big headed punk ass son of a bitch who has mommy and daddy paying their way in life if you cant repsect other people and what they do then you should go dig a hole then jump init and fill it back up better yet just disappear these guys are having abit of a laugh in a public forum and what they do has nothing to do with you as i said its a public forum and you have no right to tell them to do sumthing

p.s they actually have a life your still wearing nappies and being fed from a spoon you pubescent brat take your bull **** elsewhere

can i have a hat tooo???


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Jan 9, 2006
Harlem, NY
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Great, another kid with attitude and shocking grammar skills, hasn't been one of these guys on here for ages. They're my favorite!
Hey Bilster, did you actually want your name to be Blister? Blister would make more sense, what with you being all puffed up and irritating and all.


New Member
Jan 16, 2005
yo bill man...

ignore these losers! seriously if you actually think a lil green blob on a head even comes close to humerous haha you better think again.

if anything its getting old and it wasnt even funny to begin with.

so bill lets let these old farts have there 2 seconds of being in the spotlight, cos its all there gonna get, for something which in itsself is childish and so far from being funny its rediculous....irony me thinks and move on.

This "Joke" is BORING!

keep on shostin' dude.


New Member
Jan 9, 2005
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mate kid child toddler fetus watever you are these so called old men have jobs to do and when they get home their tired because they have a 9 - 5 of work not a bloody 9 - 3:20 that consists of giving teachers abuse and whinging about homework
and you say you can rip him up on the feild wow big deal doesnt make you a better person in life just means your some big headed punk ass son of a bitch who has mommy and daddy paying their way in life if you cant repsect other people and what they do then you should go dig a hole then jump init and fill it back up better yet just disappear these guys are having abit of a laugh in a public forum and what they do has nothing to do with you as i said its a public forum and you have no right to tell them to do sumthing

p.s they actually have a life your still wearing nappies and being fed from a spoon you pubescent brat take your bull **** elsewhere

can i have a hat tooo???
Wtf is that all about!

Yer like you say it is a pulic forum and i am entitled to say what i like...
Much like the other people on the forum were puting insulting pics up... am i crying? no. and " p.s they actually have a life your still wearing nappies and being fed from a spoon you pubescent brat take your bull **** elsewhere" Wtf is that all about? Man, Old Man, Gimp, Looser what ever u are... you have stooped to my level and argued back. How does that make u feel?:rolleyes: Get a grip and i think u, my friend, are the one who needs to grow up!


WCK Killa
Oct 11, 2004
swansea, wales, uk
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hahahaha he actually reacted to it lmao
awwwwwwwww has sumone got hormones in them today bless dont worry you can have a power trip again when you see hair growing in places;)

P.s i wasnt arguing back i was telling you
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