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Spectator at Campaign


New Member
Aug 29, 2001
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I spectated pretty much all day saturday and really enjoyed watching the games,and when i walked through the doors and onto the stands and saw the fields in play with the sound of paint hitting inflatables "WOW".

I used to play paintball between 1988-96 but haven't had anything to do with the sport since then, and it was only luck that i stumbled across a copy of PGI at a news agents that i heard about this tournament.The organisers really need to advertise as i felt quite alone on the stands surrounded by team players.

Also i was left guessing as to who was playing, there were teams drifting in and out but no commentary as to who the teams were which was a bit confusing as some teams had a tendency to look the same.

But all in all a great day out and yes i will spectate again, infact i think you have inspired me to get back into the game.



formerly of Split Personalities, NWC, Shockwave.:D :)


I was spectating also. The finals were much better from a spectators point of view than the rest of the games. We were kept informed of who was playing who, who had won etc. It would've made it easier if

a) they rotated the scoreboard more frequently as to who was playing on what field.

b) They actually put the general colour of the team next to the name i.e.

Field 1
Diablo Image - Mixed
Dynasty - Blue

Jersey colour rather than band cos its easier to see the colour of the jerseys :)