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spyder sonix? are they OK


im gettin better really
Mar 19, 2002
like if your just starting spyder sonix are pretty bad specially if your like me and started with a tigershark. anyway the sonix is a good low end gun but dont put money into it. wait til you get a gun ull wanna stick with


Dedicated Pot Bitch
Aug 23, 2001
US, Ohio
Visit site
I disagree.
everyone needs to start with a low end gun. If you like to just have fun playing, than you can stay with it iand maybe upgrade a few parts. If you want a better gun THEN save up for a nice one. If you buy a really expensive gun without playing for a while you might end up not liking the sport that much, and you are stuck with an expensive, useless toy.


Sytraxz Graphics inc.
Feb 18, 2002
New York

Originally posted by eric
I disagree.
everyone needs to start with a low end gun. If you like to just have fun playing, than you can stay with it iand maybe upgrade a few parts. If you want a better gun THEN save up for a nice one. If you buy a really expensive gun without playing for a while you might end up not liking the sport that much, and you are stuck with an expensive, useless toy.
yeah u can be a local super star with a sonix. take me for instance where i live every on has a BE talen or a BE sting ray or 1 of the like popular kids had a rapter( a green one id estimate about $120) aight i had a talen too and still do. i picked up my rebel a while ago its al chromo with a tear drop barrel and im a super star. every one is like ur gun is so kool oh its da bomb and l this other crap. and im laughing to myself cause tis a low end marker and they treat me like a king (well not really but they love my gun). but if the say r00sters guns theyd be like oh my god. if ur the only one with a metal semi auto where u live and every 1 else has a pump or a cheap semi auto then every one find u popular. but hopefully i will have an even better gun this summer and i will be much better than i am now. so my advice is stick with ur low end gun for now, milk the popularity and kick ass in paintball.:)


Sytraxz Graphics inc.
Feb 18, 2002
New York

Originally posted by Kegcanman
eric...i have read a couple
of your posts. you seem
a little bit bitter.
what exactally is he better at and what made you say that!??


Apr 10, 2002
He said BITTER not BETTER...

They are two totally different words.

Bitter - Difficult or distasteful to accept, admit, or bear.

Better - Having the qualities that are desirable or distinguishing in a particular thing.


::Shakes head in disbelief:: Guys always say they are smarter than girls..tsk tsk tsk...look at what you all have gone and proved now....lol jk :p