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Staargate 2008 is go!


Mar 18, 2006
looks set to be one of the greatest events this year. who's providing the air 500+ players is a huge task.....


Mar 18, 2006
they have that huge pentagon fill station dont they...... i remember 25 people can fill at the same time.


Therapy Paintball
Feb 8, 2005
UPDATE: now only 5 days left of booking

Tippmann Tech Courses @ Staargate

Tech courses on the Tippmann range of markers; 98, A5 & X7 will be available on Saturday 20th September at this years Staargate Vs Staartrek event, due to the high content of these classes numbers will be restricted to 10 per class.

The courses are scheduled at the following times;

• A5 10:00 – 11:00
• X7 12:00 – 13:00
• A5 14:00 – 15:00
• X7 15:00 – 16:00
• 98 16:00 – 16:30

As there are limited spaces please do not try to book on a whole team, pick your most tech savvy person and let them pass the information down to the rest of your team. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis, to apply for a course please e-mail lee@shorelinepaintball.com with “Tippmann Tech Course” in the subject box* only one person per e-mail will be considered. Please indicate any courses that you cannot attend, i.e. if you are not arriving until 14;00 but if the only course available is in you 'cannot attend' list the next e-mail indicating that they can attend that time will be given preference. The first 50 e-mails will be allocated a time and the rest of the list will be kept as a reserve. If a player does not turn up at their allotted time, the place will be issued to the next person on the list who is available (hanging around within earshot of the safe area).

A schedule of names and times allotted will be posted on the usual forums.

*E-mails without “Tippmann Tech Course” in the subject box will be rejected.