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Standing Out...

Cassidy James

Kamakazi Runner
Dec 15, 2002
Redding, CA
This is a question for all you captains out there. When you hold tryouts 4 your team, what kind of people catch your eye? I know the people who play good catch your eye, but I mean, do you watch people closer if they introduce themselves well and ask questions about the team n stuff 1st?


Girlz,Booze & Balling....
Nov 12, 2002
North East, UK
I'm no capt but I would think from a players view that if you get off on the right footing then you would have a better chance, also they would know your name so they could scream at you to do something :)


New Member
Dec 26, 2002
Southern California
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It's all individual, and it's all Human Nature.

Of course good play stands out, and if you've personally invited anyone you automatically pay attention to them.

Field captains seem to like it if you have a positive idea of how you want to play a particular field and if it looks like they're thinking about it, you just jump in with what you think. They'll usually agree with you unless they have another role in mind for you. If everyone already knows where they want to go, or where they're most likely to go, when everyone walks the field, they don't have to wait for the field captain to tell them, they just tell him and everyone gets off the field faster, so they can walk the next one.

Part of telling the field cap. what you want to do is projecting confidence in your abilities. If you wait for him to tell you what he wants, he may have already assigned the position you play best, to someone else.

Be positive, seek feed back after a game but don't get wimpy about it. On the field, we do ALOT of yelling, nothing abusive, we just need to yell...one front player almost cried when he was telling us he doesn't like people yelling at him. He was a good player but we automatically knew that he wasn't for us. We don't yell off the field, we yell when things are going on so we're heard and understood.

Do your very best not to be the first elimination...yet play hard...nuf said.

Make sure the team captain knows how to contact you, and after practice, during the week, make a point of calling the team captain and asking him directly what he thought of you. Don't mince words, you don't want him wasting your time, just as you don't want to waste his time.

have fun.



Platinum Member
Like it!!!

Originally posted by NulodPBall
..... Make sure the team captain knows how to contact you, and after practice, during the week, make a point of calling the team captain and asking him directly what he thought of you. Don't mince words, you don't want him wasting your time, just as you don't want to was his time.

have fun.

Good advice Ray which I am sure people will use in the future.




New Member
Dec 26, 2002
Southern California
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Mike, You almost gave me a start...I saw your team name, then realized that you are in the UK. There used to be a team with the same name over here...and their last team captain now sells paintball insurance and markets Warrior Sports gear. I haven't seen them play in a good 7 years or so.

PS You're welcome.


Platinum Member
Originally posted by NulodPBall
Mike, You almost gave me a start...I saw your team name, then realized that you are in the UK. There used to be a team with the same name over here...and their last team captain now sells paintball insurance and markets Warrior Sports gear. I haven't seen them play in a good 7 years or so.
Hey Ray,

Sorry about that :D

There is still a Tsunami I see now and then on another site (PB or something similar :D :D ) who are based on the east coast somehere.

I will be in the US shortly to live and work so you never know, we may comeacross each other.

Best regards,


New Member
Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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Showing that you have a good understanding of the game & how to read the field should always get you a place in a team over and above an equally skilled player who can't use his/her brain.
Another thing I tend to look for is the right attitude. I like to see players who have enough aggression to play well, but won't get over heated if things go wrong or a decision goes against them. Also, paintball is a team sport so I look for players who will make decisions that are the best for the team, not just ones that will cover them in personal glory! A great player needs a big ego, but arrogance can be taken too far especially if directed towards one's own team mates.
Openmindedness and an ability to "think out of the box" are also things I look out for. If a player can make moves that no-one on the opposition are expecting, that can win games.


New Member
Dec 26, 2002
Southern California
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Liz: An old teammate of mine (when you can say that and he's barely 18 makes me feel old :() just quit a fully sponsored team 'cause too many egos were bumping heads and people yelled at each other to bring someone else down...the last time I saw that (the team captain was the one), that team (which had great sponsorships) folded 'cause no-one wanted to play for them, even though the roster in the beginning was great. It's really hard to walk away from free guns, and plane tickets but...

Mike: If you hit the LA area, I'm sure I'll see you at SC Village...my name will probably be on my gun or my hopper somewhere, or you'll hear someone yelling "%$#@ Ray, I said #@%$^" or if you hear someone asking me after the game "Ray, why did you run 40 yards out in the open to bunker that guy?" and I say "Well, you told me to 'Do' him" and the other guy says "No, I said that his bunker was hot, not..." :) Just come up and say "hi", you may have to say it more than once while you wave your hand in front of my face :)

Ray "I am not deaf. What?" N.