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Sub-AIr Training


PainTBall DOes ThiS To Me
Jan 31, 2002
uk near a Tower
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Sup-AIr Training

Hi there
Just a bit of help please i have been asked to go to a training session for a team but the thing is i have only ever played woodland walk-ons they say this dont matter as they will train me and stuff but all i really wanna no is how did you guys do the first time you played sub-air and how does it compare to woodland events Cheers for any tips and answers


New Member
Aug 14, 2001
firstly it's sup-air not sub-air :)
right sup-air as you know is inflatable and so there is not much cover. But the fields are set up for blind alley runs, sweet spotting and all sorts.
Depending where they say you should play depends on you really. I say try to play all over the place at the start and find out where you like playing.
Best advice is to watch them play and see what they do. Also keep as tight as you can behind barricades and try to keep your head up without getting shot.
My first time playing was pretty poor but you gradually get better
it's like riding a bike
hope that helps

Tom Tom

Damn you ALL
Jul 27, 2001
As above,

AS the day goes on you find you learn from your last mistake and get better. You will learn to get tighter, faster and what time is good to rock out from your bunker.

Watch the others and use what you know from the woods. Its the same idea of DON'T GET SHOT. Yes there is differences but you will see them and learn what to change to get better.