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M2Q'd eblade or the LV1...decisions, decisions
May 4, 2002

Originally posted by manike
I guess selective breeding isn't covered by the text book definition of GE.

"genetic engineering
Scientific alteration of the structure of genetic material in a living organism. It involves the production and use of recombinant DNA"

where's Cube when you need him? :)

Having a beer and trying to remember. I always find beer helps my memory....pity I couldn't have taken my A levels bladdered ;)

As I recall

Genetic engineering as you have stated requires the 'physical' manipulation of Deoxyribosenucleic acid chains in specific areas sometimes known as gene sequences. I'm sure it's much more complicated but I had to study ecology for A level Biology rather than cellular biology, genetics and DNA were a self study 'cause I watched the Horizon documentary on the discovery of the shape of DNA, (brilliant by the way, not 100% bang on but really good).

selective breeding is something very similar, but isn't done at the molecular level, but at the 'physical' level by breeding specimens that display physically or mentally the characteristics you want in the offspring. Sort of like Darwins natural selection of the best mutation to survive, but by deliberate manipulation. An example of this would be breeding the seeds out of the common banana, or the terrier.

The experiments on Drosophila melanogaster originally were mostly based around genetics, for instance to discover that genes were related to proteins and to study the rules of genetic inheritance but research has been expanded and recently it's genome has been totally mapped, see guys we do have something in common with a fruit fly!!

For those not familiar with the fruit fly they have an extremely short life/breeding cycle, (2 weeks), but are complicated enough to display obvious mutations. They are cheap to buy and look after and are extremely succeptible to UV radiation to cause mutations. Make a mutation, breed it and look for the genetic patterns to see how inheritance works. A fast version of evolution by mutation.

anything else go look on the internet, that's pretty much all I remember ;).

Zak De La Rocha

New Member
Jun 14, 2002
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i cant remember what this thing i started was focussing on but there it is getting confusing! you people scare me, all of you! im off to plan diabolical schemes in my masion at the top of the hill...


Zak De La Rocha

New Member
Jun 14, 2002
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TJ Lambini....it would seem to me that you are into classic metally stuff (like twisted sister perhaps :p)....when are people going to realise that the the way forward is to listen to JETHRO TULL!

im trying to rock the boat a bit....i demand a fight!


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by manike
Thankyou Jake I did. Still not completely sure I got what Pete was on about though.
I did some philosophy at school and enjoyed it, but ultimately I'm an engineer and I like to be in the 'real world' :)

Simon, you should have studied philosophy a bit more mate because it would have told you that it is only philosophy that can ever hope to define the 'real world', you know, that place you say you would rather live in.
Yes! My diabolical plan has worked...

This has finally become a thread on Prog Rock...ah, Rush, Yes, Emerson Lake and Palmer...dude, prog rock, er, rocks.

Time for Rancid to join in again...it's his era.

Oh and Hotpoint, if you're asking whether I'll give myself over to Lisa Harvey and that chick outta RePete's avatar in the name of creating a Paintball Superman that Friedrich woulda bin proud of, I'll do it - for science and humankind's advancement.



Pompey Paintballer
Yes! My diabolical plan has worked...

Originally posted by TJ Lambini
Oh and Hotpoint, if you're asking whether I'll give myself over to Lisa Harvey and that chick outta RePete's avatar in the name of creating a Paintball Superman that Friedrich woulda bin proud of, I'll do it - for science and humankind's advancement.
I admire your unselfish humanitarian motives :p


Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
I should have studied a bit more... and less beer and women... nah...

Originally posted by Robbo
Simon, you should have studied philosophy a bit more mate because it would have told you that it is only philosophy that can ever hope to define the 'real world', you know, that place you say you would rather live in.
From what I have seen of philosophers (at University) they are lazy soap dodgers who use the excuse of philosophy to stay out of the real world and take mind bending substances (i.e. alchohol and worse) in order to try and find the real world and pretend to themselves and the rest of the real world that what they are doing is actually of a benefit. I think the benefits as with their own definitions of the real world are just in their minds :) Oh and after Uni most of them couldn't get jobs ;)

I only liked philosophy when it helped in debates to screw with other people's heads :D

Having read that bit on Descartes I expect there have actually been some huge benefits come out of Philosophy. But isn't debating philosphy like debating opinions? there is no 'correct' answer? And since my and your opinions can never be wrong... you might as well be banging your head against a wall.

But then since I don't know much about Philosophy other than my very crewd opinions I best stay off the subject because I'm not so good at debating things I know nothing about :) I'm always happy to be enlightened though.


(/me thinks I ought to go and download some Prog Rock and see what TJ is on about... :) )


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Damn, I just realised Manike has created a paradox, he rejects philosophy and states he wants to live in the real world but without philosophy he can't define the real world, so where the facking hell does he live ?

The only aswer that can satisfy this paradox is: He lives in a parallel universe that is not governed by the same rules of reason and logic as ours but thats's not too inconsistent considering some of the posts he has put on this board :)
