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That is soooo gay


Ka mate!
Jun 10, 2006
So I refute your claim that homosexuality is genetic.

That could, and for some it does in fact, lead to the conclusion that homosexuality is a behavioral abberation (as most of the society is not homosexual) and result in attempts at "curing" the patient, also against his will.


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
I have allot of gay friends. Allot arn't in your face gay (you know what i mean). The other normal gay mates just get one with life like normal people and thats how they should act.

I went in a gay pub in notts about 3 years back for my mates bday and tbh i hated it. I get on with just about anyone as the people on here will know. The problem is they were all touching each other on the dance floor and more (yes they were doing everything). I wouldn't do that in a club with my girl friend (wife to be :D) so why should they act like that?


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
I have allot of gay friends. Allot arn't in your face gay (you know what i mean). The other normal gay mates just get one with life like normal people and thats how they should act.

I went in a gay pub in notts about 3 years back for my mates bday and tbh i hated it. I get on with just about anyone as the people on here will know. The problem is they were all touching each other on the dance floor and more (yes they were doing everything). I wouldn't do that in a club with my girl friend (wife to be :D) so why should they act like that?
Ob, the answer is simple mate, girls wouldn't allow that and thus possess a higher set of principles.

Guys wanna get proactive like that and the receivers (for want of a better word) wanna be touched like that ....

It matters not for them that it is in public because the rest of the 'public' are all acting the same.

I once made the mistake of going to Grand Canaria on my honeymoon to a resort that had a frikkin gay convention running at the time I was out there.

I felt violated ..... it was not a pleasant experience I can tell ya and I didn't react well to some situations that erupted out there much to the amusement of some friends of mine when I recounted those events .....yeuk!!!!


SPS - First 9
Nov 2, 2008
obladeo, i admire and respect your general attitude, however, regarding "how people should behave" then it's a case of different folks, different strokes.

wouldn't life be boring if we all behaved like standard, hetero, daily mailists? I mean where would channel 4 get half of it's comedians from?!@?

I can understand your point, but at the end of the day, you were in a gay club and the rules are a little different in many gay establishments. It's a throwback to the days when gay people had nowhere else to go (my theory, no evidence). therefore many gay clubs are a lot more laissez faire than your average straight club. (unless you live in croydon).

it shouldn't bother you, although i can understand it being a bit weird sometimes, my gay friends sometimes make me wince/laugh out loud at the same time, (no, not like that). Finding something a bit strange/out of your normal experience is not the same as being prejudiced.


I Would
Dec 6, 2004
I once made the mistake of going to Grand Canaria on my honeymoon to a resort that had a frikkin gay convention running at the time I was out there.
I'm pissing myself laughing at the thought :D.

As for the thread.

As you kind of said ,the point is that gay men act like straight men would in clubs if women would let them and if you ever come to Edinburgh, go to the After Eight club and they will ;).


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
I'm pissing myself laughing at the thought :D.

As for the thread.

As you kind of said ,the point is that gay men act like straight men would in clubs if women would let them and if you ever come to Edinburgh, go to the After Eight club and they will ;).
Dskize, I needed therapy on return from that honeymoon and just to give you an idea of how bad it got, my wife weighs about 7 stone and has never committed one act of violence in her life.
In fact, she abhors violence of any kind, lord knows why she married me but that's another story, anyway, she actually whacked some gay pratt who looked like the archetypal poof - bald head, muscles, tatts (yeah, yeah, yeah, I know :rolleyes:) and a great big handlebar moustache ..... she boshed him with her bag cos he.... well he kinda made it obvious he liked me shall we say ..... I was dumbstruck, she struck the dumbass !!
I was glad to get outa there otherwise I woulda ended up doing time over there and that wasn't gonna happen.


Peter Pan of Paintball
Feb 25, 2005
Being gay is the product of a genetic mal-expression, that is what it is, like a hair-lip or club-foot or whatever quirk of nature you wanna think of.
How you went from talkiing complete rubbish to that I don't know. But you're right.

Latest research proves it is genetic, i.e. nature not nurture.

You get a cookie.:)
Do you have the paper in which this was published?