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the best angel??????????????


Well-Known Member
Yeah John, I've heard that opinion a lot, even though nobody can really tell me why. I agree with Hellfish, I'd love to get a new Dark Angel, maybe even a regular Fly, I'm just having problems convincing myself that I'll be better off for it. I'll bet Warped would set me up with a single trigger if I got a new Dark, hmmm. I am going to look into a high-rise neck for my Angel now, thank you. I've been chopping a lot lately, I know it's my crappy Revo (I think I need a new board), but I'm sure that neck would help. Thanks Buddy.:)


Old Git.
All angels are really the same.. Same internals, it's all down to how they are set up, and a bit of milling.

All angels (Darks, Flys, C&Cs, Adrenalins) are made by WDP anyway. only the Cobra is a true "custom" angel.

There is not a lot you can do to the internals of an angel..
I was talking about the difference between LEDs and LCDs,

We all know the LCD screen doesnt mean much and the gun is slightly bigger its just LEDs tend to go down way too often, the LCD just has a few creases ironed out here and there.

You do get some LEDs which for no obvious reason are absolutely sweet and if you gun is one of them manning dont bother upgrading.


Well-Known Member
Well John, my Angel has been sent off twice in the three years I've had it, so I'm not sure if that fits into your "good" category, but it runs sweet now. A large part of my problem was I had the old board in it, it made it pretty inconsistent, and it really hated cold weather. The first thing I had to ship it off for was my front reg' died and sent too much pressure through, and killed some internals.
As far as LCDs go, I've read that they have tougher wires, amongst other things. Now I'm just waiting for the threads to strip out and the wires to snap, I must say my Eclipse sticks out a bit around here though. Many of the newer players ask,"What kind of angel is that?"

I know that you can't do as much to an Angels internals as some other guns, but I'd judt like to say that apart from changing parts like reg's, bolts, hammers etc, there are a few bits that can be done to the internals that can inprove performance. Can't say too much as I don't know the full details, but I have a friend who knows a hell of a lot about them.