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The conclusion of the Amsterdam Inccident...


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
I wanna say something that I think may not have come across in my first post to this thread;
I agree 100% with my punishment; I also have 100% confidence in Goose and the other guys on the disciplinary board.
I also agree with and have every confidence in Goose's stance regarding future infractions by people, I suppose I just got a problem with how Edghill was dealt with because whatever way I look at what happened, if Edghill had kept his gob shut, I would have been driving back to the airport and nothing would have happened at the end of that game.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by Buddha 3
Which is all why I was enquiring whether Shane would be considered as having broken his parole. In which case he should at least get penalised extra.
That's something I'd really like to know.
PS Hey Pete, I thought you had 'settled' the matters with Shockwave... :D

Hey Bud, this is the way the board dealt with it; They thought I did two things wrong, firstly I went onto the field with no goggles, secondly I had an altercation with Edghill.
So far so good !
Now here comes the kicker !!
They thought also that Edghill, did two things wrong, firstly, he incited me by verbally abusing me as a spectator and secondly he had broken his probation.
Now, the board thought that it was now a straight trade off, Edghill had two marks against him as did I.
Now if you can work that **** out, you are a better man than I because it takes no account of the severity of each infraction.
I appealed to the board that he (Edghill) had in fact committed three infractions because not only did he do the first two but in my opinion, he also lied to the board in his statement whereas my statement was found to correspond to all others made except Edghill's.....go figure !!!!

As for it being over with Shockwave ?
No problem, Russell gave me a call and it's a done deal, I have no problems with Shockwave but that does not mean I have not got a problem with Edghhill !!!!


Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Originally posted by Robbo

As for it being over with Shockwave ?
No problem, Russell gave me a call and it's a done deal, I have no problems with Shockwave but that does not mean I have not got a problem with Edghhill !!!!

Fair enough.

As for the other bit, I understand Goose's explanation, but I feel that the whole probation thing is now a bit obsolete. Even if it is only a warning, there is no 'or else' factor. By that I mean that even if the person on probation, or the person that has been warned, can pretty much get into all sorts of **** again, without being penalised any heavier than a first timer. Surely people that are 'known offenders' (i.e. those on probation) should get the book thrown at them some more than someone who has never been involved in any funny business before.

Again, this is no attack on anyone, nor on the outcome of the Amsterdam incident (which is all it was really). I have a lot of faith in the determination of the disciplinary board in making this sport better.

As far as this whole probation idea goes - we feel that he did get a harder punishment than if it where a first time offence. I am not speaking for the committee when I state the following but, for swearing and or excessive shouting at fans, I don't think that I would ever deal out more than 5 games punishment, depending on what was said and in what manner - and can be proved.

What we had in this case was Shane saying something - we never could get any quotes on what was said profanity wise - that we could only assume was inflammatory to Pete. Even Pete's original statement on the matter was along the lines of "he said something, I couldn't really figure out what, but it had a good feeling that it was aimed at me" - again not a quote, but it gives an idea of what kind of information we where dealing with. You yourself tried helping me out - greatly appreciated BTW - and couldn't get much more.

So as you can see - in fairness, if the "fist time punishment" for this would have been 5 games - a whole tournament is in fact a harder punishment.

Again - our main goal is not to be a$$holes - and drop the hammer on everyone for everything, we are trying to be firm but fair, and balance our decisions based on fact, not heresay and some peoples knee-jerk reactions to SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE NOW!!!!!

Hope this helps



Mother, is that you?
Originally posted by Buddha 3

Again, this is no attack on anyone, nor on the outcome of the Amsterdam incident (which is all it was really). I have a lot of faith in the determination of the disciplinary board in making this sport better.

I don't.

It's only my opinion, but this all looks like a big f in joke to me.

How the f does Robbo know what Sid said? eh? what's all that about?

You know, you either have a disc board and rules or you don't. You either have confidentiality, or you have jack ****.

If this had been a football matter, then those concerned would have been plastered all over the national papers with big question marks over their heads....

I aint' saying out more, but let's pull our socks up and stop f in playing at games. Do it right, or don't bother.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by rancid
I don't.
It's only my opinion, but this all looks like a big f in joke to me.
How the f does Robbo know what Sid said? eh? what's all that about?
You know, you either have a disc board and rules or you don't. You either have confidentiality, or you have jack ****.
If this had been a football matter, then those concerned would have been plastered all over the national papers with big question marks over their heads....
I aint' saying out more, but let's pull our socks up and stop f in playing at games. Do it right, or don't bother.
Cor Blimey, trust you to stir things up !!!!
Anyway, I would have thought people would have been more interested to find out why on earth Edghill was treated so leniently, relatively speaking and the fact that I have been done than how I came to find out some of the things that had been said by the disciplinary board.
After all, it's no good you expecting 100 % procedural integrity when you haven't even got a comprehensive rule book, no procedural guidelines and no expected codes of conduct and so on.
This board and its directives have only just been organised, you can hardly expect all of its early and in fact first actions to mirror any of those effected by Football's disciplinary boards.
It's a learning curve for all of us; they have to learn to do things consistently, perhaps more professionally as I have to learn to take the punishment.
And I want to make one thing clear, no person on that board told me anything inappropriate, that I swear !!!!!
Nuff Said !!!

Tom Tom

Damn you ALL
Jul 27, 2001
Just to change the subject a little as I don't know any party involved (other than on the boards) and was not at the offending tournament so did not see or hear any of this, how would this affect sponsorship and "deals" with companies.

I take it Edghill is part of Shockwave? and has some kinda sponsorship and Robbo as well (you got sponsors?).

Would this kinda offence cause potential for sponsors to say we will keep sponsoring the team as long as you drop XYZ or the whole team losses it.

You get the picture.

Back to foot ball terms What was the name of the fellow Cantona kicked? The one inciting him and throwing verbal and racist abuse at him and his team.

High profile = high risk and harder punishment.

Just a thought
High profile = high risk/punishment doesn't work here...in tha Cantona instance you're talking about a pro soccer player attacking a spectator, in this instance you're talking about two Pro Paintballers playing in tha same event having an altercation. Their profile, in that sense, is the same, they are equals...in tha other sense you had a guy who had paid to watch a sporting event taking a kicking.

Sponsor-wise, PGI no longer has anything to do with Robo and have severed all links with him, he now has no income and will end up destitiute and alone, probably drunk on tha park bench...so let's hope Goose can live with tha consequences of his actions.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by TJ Lambini
Sponsor-wise, PGI no longer has anything to do with Robo and have severed all links with him, he now has no income and will end up destitiute and alone, probably drunk on tha park bench...so let's hope Goose can live with tha consequences of his actions.
Now, now TJ, have you forgotten so quickly the effect of your now notorious Dynasty / Lanche spoof ?
I wouldn't wanna guess just how many might take your post seriously :)

Damn, this bench is uncomfortable !