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The Mug


M2Q'd eblade or the LV1...decisions, decisions
May 4, 2002
Originally posted by joe bob
I Know this sound insane but how do you bunker an opponent, or defend yourself from a mugger:cool: :confused:
Run up and shoot them at close range!

Shoot them before they can get to you, or rely on the people behind you to do it!

any clearer?


New Member
Mar 18, 2002
Reading UK
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First thing to do is too work out which side they are facing. ie. Look for there paint, at their shadow, most likely direction due to bunker position. etc.

Then try to come around the bunker on the opposite side. (Hence why you should be capable of shooting with both hands.)

You want to try to ensure that your paint breaks first time. Hence aiming at there head or shoulder or other hard part of the body. Avoid the pack unless necessary since they may not feel the hit and are more likely to turn on you, generally taking you with them.

Once you've mugged your opponent, unless you going to mug another, get back into cover so that you don't get shot.


Feb 11, 2002
Planet, 0161
thats about it...get up close and personal give em some paint and get behind something solid sharpish!

as for defending against a mugger, shoot at much as you can and hope!
If I'm in a laydown bunker and am feeling a lot of heat, I try to look up as much as I can, quick looks over the top as much as I can so I can see anybody who's running at me. Or I can angle my head just far enough so I can see out over the top a little and not get hit.

If I'm in a standup can, I try to wrap around both sides back and forth as much as I can so I can see as much as I can.

As for bunkering somebody, I stop for a second and figure out which way they are shooting (usually by sound) and come around the opposite way... it's just that sometimes I just keep running and I don't always stay alive :mad:


Master Blaster
Here we go!

Your back up guys should protect you from muggers. If not theyre not watching out for you enough. To pull off a good mug, see if you can discern which side of the bunker your target is shooting out of, get your back up guy to pepper the target bunker to keep the guy in and go for it. if you dont get him, the back guy should. You can run past, shoot him from the side hes not using, or go over the top. The top is much riskier. Also if you run past it is more obvious to the marshall if he spins on you.

Try to pull off another move as soon as possible after the mugging. Capitalise on the confusion and communiaction lag and see if you can do more damage while they are still talking to each other and working out what just happened. Remember that the cheekier you are, the better. They just wont expect to see it happen...

Best of luck with it, although if you try and bunker me i will light you up like a christmas tree... Fair warning! :D