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The UK's Best Team... PERIOD!

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Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001

Originally posted by sykesg
oh dear Woz has his knickers in a twist again and shouldn't of posted what he posted.

Facts are there is only one European team we haven't beaten inc. Legon once and one on one another time, Ton Tons a few times and Joy every time and thats Nexus.

We've only played the you once and lost fact - I know you were probably cross with Woz but you do have to conceed, as the Nexus boys did you were lucky. We had gun trouble and Alan had Tommy then Ledz bang to rights but his hopper broke paint and he had to literaly step on Ledzy in the the back corner to get a hit on him.

The Am team we lost to was Cyclone and we lost not because they beat us but because we were cocky and threw it away - incidently we played and beat them in sweden and that was the first time this year cyclone had lost to their alloted pro. :)


Mark Toye-Nexus

Jul 18, 2001
Sarf London
It's all getting a little hairy in here.

Lets get on with what we all want to do and stop worrying about whos best, who got beat and why.

Nexus beat Tigers in one game. We may lose to Tigers in our next outing. It won't bother me because it's one game and every team loses games. Its the overall results and consistency that matter.

I can see that Tigers have had an excellent season but so have Nexus.

Lets just give each other props for that and get on with getting Brit ball back up there - TOGETHER.

For flips sakes guys - lets wake up and smell the bleedin beans.

Lets see some love back in here.



Active Member
As long as thats not american style love !!! :)

Agree though, at the start of the season there was a general good feeling between all the teams to see brits do well, whoever and at whatever level ! Lets get back to that and show the world what we can do @ the C-Cup

Nicky T

Platinum Member
May 9, 2002
Bury, Lancashire
Hmmmm $1000 !

I might go in with you Tommy and make us some mortgage money ;)

Tigers, you've got our respect already, every time we meet it'll always be a good match.

Best of luck at Campaign and hope to see you on the sunday :D

ps i'll take lucky any day!

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police

Y'all got a lot to learn about talkin' smack. That was all seriously weak.
Our Rookie teams are way better than any of your lame smack. Tell ya what, if you ask politely I'll start a new thread to help teach y'all how to do it right. It's a wonder you can play at all with smack like that.;) :D


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by Nicky T-Nexus
Hmmmm $1000 !
I might go in with you Tommy and make us some mortgage money ;)
Tigers, you've got our respect already, every time we meet it'll always be a good match.
Best of luck at Campaign and hope to see you on the sunday :D
ps i'll take lucky any day!
Nicky, I think we all might wanna piece of that action mate !

Mark, this is the problem I got, 'warren big gob' opens his mouth again without reading the posts properly and slags us and Tommy off then we got Gareth turning up, disowning warren, which ain't a bad way to start after what woz said and then telling us we were lucky to have beaten them and making up excuses why Cyclone beat Tigers.
I never even mentined the result between us for God's sake and yet they wanna come on here putting our result against them down ????
Nah, they were lucky we didn't beat them more easily, they got lucky when Flash went round the middle when he did, 10 more seconds and Junior was gonna do him as Jack got settled in, they were lucky Bowen's gun wasn't shooting over 200 fps...jeeez, I could go on.....Mark, it all bores me sh!tless mate.....if any of the Tigers just goes back and re-reads all of my inputs to this thread they will see I have been respectful at all times to them and now we have this cr@p :rolleyes:

Mark Toye-Nexus

Jul 18, 2001
Sarf London

Couldnt agree more mate (whoa hang on there Toyeboy;) ).

I think Warren was flaming and he deserved the response - no question. To accuse Tommy of cheating is downright disrespectful and totally unfounded.

Sykes has a point though, but only a small one cos if Alans loader had been working he probably wouldnt have moved up the feild and even if he did Ledz would have known he was there and roasted his ass whilst he stood in the open looking across the field!! I wont go into who shot who first with Ledz and Alan - but I know what I saw and I was 10 feet away!! But I aint petty!!

But thats all by-the-by, we won it's history!!! We like the Tigers, we respect them. But Warrens just pushed a little too hard here!! Sort it out Warren - calm down!!

Anyways - I was just trying to bring a bit of peace!!

See ya

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