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Tips for a starter!


**** Name!!!
Apr 29, 2002
Leicester, England
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Im just starting paintball and im falling in love with it! i was just wondering if some of you veterans could tell me a good way 2 start. the field i play at use the inferno's but id like a gun with a second handle 2 hold if u know wat i mean? wat is a good starter gun? is there any special equipment u recomend? any tips on how 2 become a good paintballer will b great please! thanks a bunch!:D


New Member
Apr 11, 2002
Midlands, UK
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There's been a load of threads about starter guns mate!

Here's one to get you going:


The front grip is usually an expansion chamber or a gas thru grip. You can add them to virtually any marker.

If you like the inferno, you could go for one of the newer versions. They have front bottle mounts and you can therefore add an expansion chamber if you want. Here's some pics:


The T3 version has all the stuff you need on it:


Search the threads, you'll find plenty of recommendations.


**** Name!!!
Apr 29, 2002
Leicester, England
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Northampton aint that bad, i spose! u in a team or nething cuz u know alot? or do u work at a site! i have a saturday job at a local site but 1 day a week isnt enough for me! i need more paintball!


New Member
Apr 11, 2002
Midlands, UK
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I used to marshall at an indoor site a long time ago - when pump guns ruled the world and semi's cost the GNP of a small third world country.

I've been playing on and off (rec ball) since then & would really technically classify myself as a newbie - compared to alot of the tourney players etc that hang around on this board.

Most of the stuff I have recommended is based on my own experience of changing from my jurassic Phantom, to something real easy to look after and in my price range! Just trying to save you some time by telling you what I've found out.

In all honesty most of the stuff I know has come from these boards and by asking in shops - the guys in Warped Sports (Wolverhampton) and Phoenix Paintball (Cannock) have been great for their techy help and info when I go in.

You work at a site in Leicester? Is it Rebel paintball (or has it gone)? Not played there in a couple of years - in fact that's where my trusty Phantom died!

Email me at the address in my profile - I'd be interested in testing out my new Inferno upgrades - need CO2 and obviously can't refill it at home :( I don't play too often, but would like to get in some more games.

Welcome to the club mate! Marker wise I would recomend a pihana (though any blowback is a goo dstarter marker).

If you are planning to play tourney ball (which is really where it's at!) then I would recomend that you save up a bit longer and get yourself something a bit more tourney ready, maybe something second hand, maybe a cocker or a mag (not my personal recomendation, but a lot of people consider them to be tourney grade and starter markers). If you are playing tourney then you will want to replace your starter marker as soon as you have played with it.

Playing tip's wise I would suggest that you read throught the classroom sections, and listen to people's advice when they see you playing (I owe a great deal to people saying "you know hwat you did there...")

Have fun

Be good



Better Things 2 Do!
If your looking for a starter marker its worth popping into one of the stores as Julesbloke said either Warped Sports (Wolverhampton) and talk to Paul Parkes or Phoenix Paintball (Cannock) and talk to Andy Green as both have a good range of starter markers and are both very helpful (just don't let Andy talk you into buying every shiney bit available ;) )

Warped (http://www.warpedsports.com) Stock the inferno range of starter markers.

Phoenix Paintball (http://www.paintballuk.com/phoenix/about.htm) stock quite a few in the 32 Degree's Rebel line and I believe have just had some electronic black draguns in so give em a call or pop in.

+ it helps to hold a marker to see how it feels.

Hope this helps