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To trade or not to trade (stay out and shoot or duck back into cover)???


Platinum Member
Jul 18, 2001
... I would have thought that it's obvious that if you're getting paint down oneside of your bunker you can look out the other...
Ok. I didn't phrase that correctly. I possibly should have typed...

"... I would have thought that it's obvious that if you're getting paint down one side of your bunker you have the option of carefully peeking out the other side of your bunker being careful not to get a stream of paint plastering your goggles..." :D

By the way Liz we was rockin' last Sunday. I don't think you've met Pinky or his mate Neal but they were adding some much needed aggression to the front line... We still don't communicate enough though :rolleyes: :mad:

When are you next down at the Temple?


New Member
Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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Glad to hear it's going well, missed nearly all of you at Campaign but I gather it wasn't your best performance :(
2002 Series ends Sunday week & most of the one-off events & specials like CC & Shoot the Rainbow seem to be coming to a close for this year so I'm actually NOT booked 3 weekends out of every 4 for the rest of the year to play or train. Drop me a mail next time you've got an outing, & I can come up & show you how my new Impulse rocks :D


Platinum Member
Jul 18, 2001
If you blinked more than 10 times at Campaign you would have missed us... Unfortunately our opposition didn't!

A(n expensive) weekend of gun troubles, playing crap, not used to playing with each other ;) and generally low morale saw us get shot to **** each time we broke out!:rolleyes:

We like it at the Temple - the fields are bigger, the back bunkers are usually stand ups and we don't get shot as much.

Our two new players are small and swift as well which helps.

Have you sold your angel then if you've got a new Impy?


New Member
Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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The Angel is now semi-retired as a back-up marker for the Chicks. Of course, I could always return it to the guy who technically owns it but as he's already got a Cocker & a Matrix, & is talking about getting an LCD Matrix as well he doesn't need it so I'm keeping it. I DID let him borrow the Angel back to play Shoot the Rainbow as neither of his markers were working :rolleyes: but I got her back now:D
Of course you like it at Temple - I think your feet know their way to the bunkers there without having to engage your brain at all by now. I really think you lot should save up the petrol & accommodation money, & play a round or two of the MM or S2k3 next year. Get some variety in your lives:D


Platinum Member
Jul 18, 2001
I would like to play more Milleniums next year but i suppose it WOULD be cheaper to get our arses up the M1 occasionally!:D


New Member
Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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My car knows just about every camera on the A1 by now, just drives up it on remote while I sleep!:D
Little point in doing Millenniums unless you can get a couple of results outside of your "home" site. I'm not talking about winning a tourney particularly, but just get out there & win a few games now & again. You say you like Temple 'cause the fields suit you - good reason then to play other places where they DON'T suit. How many of those lovely tall back coke cans you get at Temple were there close to the start & on the back line at Campaign? Not many. Nearly every central back bunker was low on the fields we played, where there was one at all.

Anyway, the Northern lot are really sweet guys, great fun & good natured opposition. So get yourselves up there next year!:)


Active Member
Feb 27, 2002
Manchester, UK
Originally posted by Liz
Anyway, the Northern lot are really sweet guys, great fun & good natured opposition. So get yourselves up there next year!:)
Why not this year, there are still a couple of events series2002 20th Oct(although places might be hard to get), and Diablo Cup 17th November..


Platinum Member
Jul 18, 2001
Trips oop North take planning (arctic clothing, dictionary, etc) and besides - we're playing temple on the 20th and i can't make Diablo on the 17th Nov... So, without me, i doubt the rest of the team will bother going :D

Thanks for the suggestions though.;) and maybe i'll see you up there next year

Liz - Campaign fields were fun... You should have seen Stuart's face when he saw the back bunkers - he was not a happy bunny. :rolleyes: