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Tower Paintball London Walkon 13th Jan


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
i like the idea of doing a walkon at tower paintball buy for 4 hours its kinda waste of a journey for me

if they was to do a 9am till 6 pm then it would be more benefitial as it restricts people who live over an hour away
Same reason i'm not going to go as i would have to pay for a train ticket and at £18ish for a return from Reading and get there through crazy full trains with all my gear

If it was a full day then i would be more inclined to go


Team Apocalypse.
Jun 12, 2006
Stevenage, Hertfordshire
Same reason i'm not going to go as i would have to pay for a train ticket and at £18ish for a return from Reading and get there through crazy full trains with all my gear

If it was a full day then i would be more inclined to go
Going through full trains with kit just adds to the fun.

Especially if you are wearing it all :cool:


SPS - First 9
Nov 2, 2008
Just got back, thanks to andy and the crew. Very enjoyable evening, lot's of games, no messing. Good crowd, I'll be back.

I'll mention it over on UKS as well.


New Member
Dec 8, 2008
Dagenham, essex
not been back long myself just cleaned me gun and stuck my stuff in the wash . . .

just wanted to say a big thank you too all the guys @ tower paintball this was my first walkon and they made me feel very welcome . . loads of help and advice!!!!!

had a sweet time!! . . . . .especially the game were i ran the snake and took out three off the other team to finish the game!!!

. . . . that was it for me!!! i was hooked right there!!!!! definatly gonna try and get down next time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

excellent night!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Jul 12, 2008
not been back long myself just cleaned me gun and stuck my stuff in the wash . . .

just wanted to say a big thank you too all the guys @ tower paintball this was my first walkon and they made me feel very welcome . . loads of help and advice!!!!!

had a sweet time!! . . . . .especially the game were i ran the snake and took out three off the other team to finish the game!!!

. . . . that was it for me!!! i was hooked right there!!!!! definatly gonna try and get down next time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

excellent night!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was truly an awesome move!, I was watching from up in the rafters, well done mate:D, a great way to kick off your first walkon!
Gutted I couldn't play tonight, unfortunately I had to stay really late at work, but it was nice to meet several of you,
(I was the tall guy hanging about in the hoody by the way) it was also great to see a really good turn out, with a few regulars surfacing as well :).
I will most definitely be down for the next one, and just to clarify, it's Andy who owns towerpaintball, not me! as amusing as I found that comment, I just spend a lot of time there and help out with bits and pieces!


Jan 8, 2007
Had a good night, first real go at supair..... enjoyed it.

Good to meet you guys, and as for being my 1st walkon there, a freindly bunch of guys, see you again.



Active Member
Dec 16, 2008
It was a really fun evening gents, thanks Andy/Luke J My first paintball game in a good few years has got me hooked again! I will definitely be back in a few weeks if my Mini comes back from Just/Kee.

Next time I will swap out my smoke lenses to clear, couldn’t see much at all . . . . it could be why I hit the ref once on the far field (not the sup air, I know the ref got plastered on that field, not me !) J

Thatnks to all the other friendly players as well,
