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ukm-5man-22nd predictions!!


#23 vudoo's mofo
Jul 16, 2006
i just think them being proud of leaving early is pathetic and it deserves an absolute ass wooping, i hope your in div 4 from here on and actually play your games because your going to get a hell of a lot of crap from nearly everyone for being soft and cowardly for not showing, BONUS BALL, only jokin thats not aloud:rolleyes:

but can i just say on another negative note, if you get shot out and youve been called get off the field then, not sit there because the marshall looked away, i was so annoyed about that, i shot a guy from the snake that moved to 50, i dropped back into the snake, i reappeared to take aim on back centre and the guy id just lit up shot me when he was covered in paint and he knew he was, i screamed at the marshall who came over i said and he said that he was pulling both of us, i was not in a good mood for that despite having won the game straight after that its points isnt it.:(

never mind great day, good games and i would like to say well played to kitsune (i cnt remember how to spell it hope its right) and thanks that game was very fun lol i think we should have clinched it :p joke




one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
:confused: as to why you had a team vote and thought it was a good idea to leave.ok you seam like your in a bit of a poo hole now as you have made your self look a further ass than you already did :( ok so what you and your team need to do now is publicly apologise for your actions. to the teams that paid good money to play games that you couldn't be assed to turn up to :mad:

ok think about this,if your a low div team why didn't you ask for some help or advise from some one ? there are a lot of good people and players out there that would have happily gave you some of there time to get your game together and maybe win a game,, i can think of a dozen people that would have.

and that goes for any young team you want some help ask. about fieldwalking in the morning or when every one is sat about. in between games and you want some advise coz your having a poo day.

ask you will find a lot of help


Platinum Member
:confused: as to why you had a team vote and thought it was a good idea to leave.ok you seam like your in a bit of a poo hole now as you have made your self look a further ass than you already did :( ok so what you and your team need to do now is publicly apologise for your actions. to the teams that paid good money to play games that you couldn't be assed to turn up to :mad:

ok think about this,if your a low div team why didn't you ask for some help or advise from some one ? there are a lot of good people and players out there that would have happily gave you some of there time to get your game together and maybe win a game,, i can think of a dozen people that would have.

and that goes for any young team you want some help ask. about fieldwalking in the morning or when every one is sat about. in between games and you want some advise coz your having a poo day.

ask you will find a lot of help
Agreed, there are a huge amount of people that are willing to offer help and advice or lend out kit without thinking and leaving for no real reason doesn't do anyone any favours.

quote of the day had to be Lump after walking off field 1

'I thought I'd put as many bunkers as possible between us, then she crawled on her hands and knees around her bunker, what am I supposed to do with that?'


Doing men things to men in the woods atm
Nov 21, 2004
rhino did well in the last 3 events and played every game but the 2nd it all turned bad you sulked of ?


New Member
Apr 23, 2007

this thread is to all marshalls players and organizers affected rhino is an up and coming team we try to play hard ball but it has just come to my attention that one of my players has been constantly upsetting people on these chatrooms as from today he is no longer a player of my team RHINO we are sorry if this individual has offended anybody we can only appologize to these people.
As for sandbaggers yes we have a couple of inferno players jhonboy is the coach and trys not to play but when people let you down what are you supposed to do pull the team from the tournement that would please wendy as for terry(T) he has been out the game for 2 years,will played for inferno rage he was an up and coming player and me ATTI (steve captain of rhino and was inferno rage) when inferno folded i wanted to start my own team these players dont play every tourney i have a couple of other players who were previously customer site marshalls and i am very pleased with there commitment and progression in the sport once again i can only appologize

many thanks to everybody
steve(captain of rhino)