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UKM results??


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2007
Staffordshire, England
Had a great day there, I think the field layouts were far better than last time. Field 2 and 4 were great fun to play, didn't get much chance to play on field 3. Only field 1 I didn't like so much, as my front bunker was really far away (although I made it everytime) and once I was there I couldn't get many good shots. I think the frost in the morning helped a lot with the mud as well, can't really say I was cold at all once I started running around.

Marshalling was great for all our games, don't think we had any issues regarding it all day. Got pulled twice myself after refs slid in to paint check me, which is always nice to see. Feel sorry for the marshal on field 1 who ran around to pull me out in the last game of the day and got lit up by the other team shooting blind.

Unreal SOF finished 1st in Div 4, thanks to the guys at Alpha 1 for being such good sports all day as well. :) See you all at Ancaster!