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Tony Harrison

What is your beef with the Mac?
Mar 13, 2007
We all know someone who is a superstar player. They can win games, but if the rest of the team don't do their job, they would be nothing.

Paul Richards - Coach of World Champions Tampa Bay Damage, and former coach of Miami Raiders and Team Strange, is running a new type of clinic which focuses on team skills - that is, working together to win.

I have been to seminars run by Dynasty & XSV, and they concentrated more on individual skills - snapping, running & gunning etc. This will be a totally different kind of clinic.

I have spoken with Paul regarding the possibility of his running a clinic in the UK, and he has expressed an interest.

Given that Markie C had to cancel previous clinics due to low attendance, I suggest that each attendee pay a non-refundable deposit to Paul via paypal. This will be forfeit if the payer chooses not to attend.

Please post up if you would commit to a clinic of this type.

Once we have numbers, I can firm up possible dates with Paul. Regarding the latter, we should be looking to run it in the "off-season" - that is, November through Febraury.

Regarding location, I would suggest a convenient spot, such as the football field near my house. Kidding. I'm thinking CPPS, perhaps.

After all, I'm sure Paul - who is a Florida resident -would love a trip to ye olde England in Winter. Who wouldn't?

For the sake of clarity, I should point out that the clinic is geared toward entire teams attending, rather than individuals.

Thanks for reading this.
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