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Welsh Open Charity Auction - UK


Mar 4, 2005

Welsh Open Charity Auction

1. Signed - Nick Trutter – Blackout Playing Top Number 13 £75 spreadz 07
2. Signed - Marcus Neilsen – Brown Angel Top £30 tonee
3. XXXL – Walin – Stockholm Ignition Playing Top £15 voodoodoll
4. Signed minature temple (inflated barricade) – TonTon – on XL Turf from Campaign Cup £25 jerm
5. Planet Eclipse T’Shirt – Green – Signed by all of the original Nexus team £20 Booti
6. Millenium marshalling top – Medium £20 Hellraiser
7. London Tigers T’Shirt- worn by Shelley Farmer £10 Hellraiser
8. Signed Fat Ladies Charms playing Top – Kate £50 bruce
9. JT Sock Hat £5 smudge1989
10. T’Shirt worn and signed by Ollie Lang with sweat £12 AJermstad
11. XXL 32 Degrees Blue Flame Playing Top £10 voodoodoll
12. XXL Rosies New York Xtreme Playing Top £20 rosie
13. Marcus Neilsen White Angel T’Shirt £10 tonee
14. Gorrila Playing Top – Medium
15. DMA ladies black T’Shirt
16. Blue BK Hat donated by Mr U (Ironmen)
17. Fat Ladies Charms barrel sock and bandana £100 wendy
18. 7 x Red Empire React Playing Tops – New – donated by Aftermath £14 conion92
19. Very Rare - Russian Legion Playing Top £100 Hype2
20. M/L Fat Ladies Charms playing top £50 Rayko
21. Signed – Mark (Dunny) Dunville – Nexus Playing Top £45 Gaz-GB
22. XXL – All Americans Playing Top £10 Some Bloke called danrandon;)
23. Signed Joy Division Poster £6 Jerm
24. Signed Fat Ladies Charms Poster £10 oppy
25. Signed cap by Brian Cole, Ryan Greenspan and Todd Martinez £3 conion92
26. Green T’Shirt signed by Ollie Lang £10 smudge1989
27. Signed Kellys Playing Top £40 chunk

More to follow……..

28. Jacksonville Raiders Playing Top as worn in Vegas £50 Hype2
29. Signed - Chris Edwards - Shockwave Playing Top £30 swavegav
30. Millenium Paris - Staff Top - Light Blue
31. Forum Battle Hoodie - Mikey's original hoodie £40 siljey
32. Brand new Kellys top (new ones straight from the german xball) £40 Supaman
33. Kellys top £10 Sid Sidgwick
34. Kellys playing pants £10 Sid Sidgwick
35. Kellys Bandana £10 Supaman
36. 5man setup from empire, 5 pants, 5 tops and 5 packs. minimum start bid £100 - £100 VoodooDoll
37. Pheonix playing top £10 VoodooDoll
38. Sharks one off playing top £10 VoodooDoll
39. 1 Set of soft mini RED JT Ears £1 Sid Sidgwick
40. 1 Set of soft mini BLUE JT Ears £5 Spredz-07
41. 1 Set of soft mini YELLOW JT Ears £10 Conion92
42. Markie c's Campaign Cup playing shirt ''the firm'' £10 Mikey602

And more...

FIVE mystery boxes bidding starts at £70 per box

1 one box contains a 1.1 airsystem donated by Just Paintball £75 oppy

2 one box contains 2 x Profiler Masks (voucher for any colour) donated by Spike at Procaps

3 one box contains 2 x Pairs of Playing Pants (voucher for any size and any colour) again donated by Spike at Procaps

4 one box contains a donation from Phoenix (probably an Ion) but yet to be confirmed

5 box contains a donation from NPS (probably reloader hoppers) but yet to be confirmed. £70 Jerm

6 Box donated by the forum battle/mikey601


one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
ok guys and gals.
the auction went really well we raised a total of £3?85 so a good result.there were some realy stupid amounts being paid for some items.and a big thanks to you all for your support from BALLER some of the bids from here won.i will try and chase the end figure today for you all