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What happened to the PA League?

Ahhhh..."Spectators"...that's the wonderful word I've been waiting to hear :D

Without going into details the reason we've not released the venue is because we've been offered several pretty damn good ones and we're going to speak to some very nice people about 1 more before we make a final decision...I don't want to get anyone's hopes (or fears) up until that decision has been made.

We've not been sitting on our arses getting drunk (well...except for those two days last week) and everything is coming along nicely...well at least I think so...I haven't started sweating yet so that must be a good sign.

To answer one other question I seem to get a lot as to why we're locating it in the Midlands it's for one very simple reason....It's in the middle of the flippin' country. It's actually not an attempt to try and undermine anyone else or any other series as has been suggested (and quite loudly and persistently by some).

Being a National series with teams participating from London to South Wales and from Brighton to Edinburgh the primary consideration had to be Geographical location...that's IT in a nutshell. Really :)

All the anouncments & final dtails will be made to the team managers at the Managers Conference on February 1st and thereafter through the PA's media.


Ben Frain

twit twoo
Sep 7, 2002
In a tree
Thanks for that update.

I always assumed that was the reason for the geographical location of the tournament series anyway, as I think most people do.

It's just an added bonus that I happen to live in that area :)#

Hatts - what's the latest possible date a team can enter the series? Or has the ship already sailed?


New Member
Apr 8, 2002
Last date for entry to PA League

We will be announcing divisions at the Managers meeting on 1st February so would prefer teams to be booked in by then. However, there will be the possibility of late entrance up to the 7th February.


Playing since 1986 - Still shooting fools
May 15, 2003
P.A League

What a great year ahead of us !!! Really am looking forward to this season - Hatts and Gillie have gone all out to make this the best League in the country - just you wait and see !!!

See you all at the Managers meeting on 1st !!
