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What to do if you're bored......


VW's are the game
What to do when you are bored???

Well I am usaully on the net posting here! These are things I do when I am at home!

1) Work on my VW
2) Play my DreamCast
3) Have sex with my Wife
4) Play with my 3 month old son!
5) Bother people in chat rooms
6) Think of ways to improve the Angel or any of the things I use to paintball
7) Practice Potting Up and Cleaning my barrel when I am at home! (This was recommended by my Team Mates to help decrease how long it take and how much tighter to my bunker I can stay!)


Lord of the Ringtones
Thanks Bob, I knew at least a few people would not only like the list but actually be inspired by the list to do some of those things today. I think we'd all be better people if we went down that list every day that we're bored and do at least one of them. Anyway, since posting that a few minutes ago and seeing that I was going in the right direction, though few ideas could measure up to those ones I bring forth additional ones:

10. Pick an inexpensive accessory item common to everyone and become a connoisseur of it. Find the most fashionable, highest quality and expensive though not necessarily the most expensive of its kind, learn all about it and why it is the best, proudly purchase it, show it to friends, and encourage them to do the same. Combs, shoe inner soles, nail trimmers, pencils, keyrings, air fresheners, stationary...the possibilities are endless.

11. Find an obscure or otherwise indefensible special interest group and demolish it. Expose them as frauds, lunatics, self interested, a pyramid scam, a dangerous pseudo-religious cult, or even aliens from another galaxy. Research your theories to be sure you're right before you go public, but once you've established you're right, go at it full blast. Web pages. Letters to the editor. Go on morning radio talk shows. Put up signs. Hold protests. Come up with some color scheme of ribbon to wear on your shirt to denote your cause. It's your patriotic duty--the Society for Prevention of Forcing Hamsters to Wear Knitted Sweaters, 100% Dairy Free Soy Milk Drinkers' Association, Anxious 38 Year Old Virgins Club, Coalition for the Adoption of the Vacuum Cleaner As Our National Symbol, Save the Brazillian Purple Tongued Horsefly, Neuter Your Pets Now, and People That Don't Like the Letter Q organizations all await justice to be dealt to them.

Yes, I'm an @sshole and I'm proud of it.

Joao Duro

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Jul 11, 2001
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Hey... Hey, Mr. Moderator. Don't ban me... t'wasn't me!!! T'was ma twin bro!!!

And after this cheesy intro, on to the reel thing: