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Women in Paintball !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just Curious

Active Member
Jul 6, 2001
Another provocative and potent subject raised by Mr Robinson!:)

In most of the posts in this thread, people seem to be concentrating on the subject of Aggression and Physical attributes and none of the other abilities that go into making a good paintballer.

Agreed,,Men are (for the most part) physically stronger than women (except those on Eurosport late at night.:D ) but last time I looked there was not much weightlifting in Paintball and our Markers are not exactly heavy. I would also argue the point that women are slower and not as fit as men, not too many females go down the pub on a Friday and sink a few pints :p , most of the women I know would prefer to go to the Gym than to the pub. How many blokes would say that?

So, we come to the point of Aggression.

Without a shadow of a doubt, I believe, women are just as, if not more, aggressive as men.
It would be self-destructive lunacy for us male paintballers to think we had the monopoly on aggression in our sport if we wish to continue to portray it as one without the boundries of Age, Sex or Race.

In my opinion, women can be as good as men in Paintball, thus, the question should be why are there not more Female Players?

I wonder, could it be the Sexist, Chauvinistic views of some Male Paintballers??

Keep the Peace.:)


Lite em' uper
Nov 19, 2001
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I think they can be good players, and some can be better or just as good as men, but of course more men will be better, just a fact of life hehehe no offense to any ladies..because if you are on this site, then your probally a damn good pballer:D :D


" ..- - .-- .- - " ;)
Jul 7, 2001
I know of one girl from the stormbirds that trains with us and has played with us......she spanked a few in our team on 1 on 1, and in my opinion just as good if not better than a lot of male players.

So the answer to robs Q is yes they are capable, if the ratio of male to female players were equal then the question would be "why are the ladies allways winning" there has been in the past and there is at present, and will be many more girls in the future.

Also the girl teams have to work harder because....and i dare you to deny this......the male team they are playing have cheated (and i have seen this) just so thier ego is still in tack.....mmmmm!!


( .)( .)
Oct 15, 2001
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Well an interesting subject . I would say women have the potential to be just as good or better then men but the top teams will always be primarily male . Its the same reason that american teams dominate the sport . there are more americans playing then europeans and there are far more men playing thhen women .:D :cool: :eek: :p


New Member
Sep 12, 2001
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Why shouldn't we be able???

I have to say that there is no reason at all why us girls cant play as well as any of you blokes.

It's just like anything you get some great female players and some who just enjoy playing, to be honest, I'm just pleased to see women playing, who cares if we are as good as you blokes !!

I love the game and hopefully one day I will be able to prove some of the sexists players that I know very very wrong !!!!


:p :D :p


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Women In Paintball

There have been some really good posts and some that ......well, weren't so.
I am gonna hold my hands up and admit I'm sexist, well to be more truthful, I think I am probably just conservative but by today's political imperatives, I am deemed to be sexist.
Women aren't as strong or as fast as men, they do at times exhibit aggression but their genetic predispostion is not wired up to be aggressive.
I hate it when people cite examples of men being slow and timid and women being aggressive and fast.
These are not indicative of the gender difference, they are in the truest sense, anomalies but are sometimes readily quoted as benchmark criterion for some people's political arguments.
Political Correctness in my mind is just another term for Bull**** !!!
It has as much practical relevance as a square wheel.
Women are not equal, they are different.
Men are not equal either, they are different.
Can a woman be as good as a man ?
Certainly they are not as fast and I believe not as aggressive, I also believe that women's reflexes would be slightly behind those of men.
But paintball is not all about those factors just mentioned, it is sometimes about patience, an attribute where women would outscore men most times.
Paintball is also about accuracy which I am sure women can demonstrate just as well.
I think in all honesty men do have an edge in Paintball as they do in any activity where physical prowess is an integral component.
But that's not really anything we as men can take credit for, we are just the beneficiaries of providence.
On the other hand, I think women handle losing better and are much better behaved on the field and by that benchmark, if I were a judge, I would prefer to marshall women any day of the week than a bunch of hairy-assed idiots with mouths the size of the Millennium Dome.
All in all, it's 'horses for courses', the question I should have posed at the beginning of this thread was, 'Does Paintball benefit from having women play' ?
My answer to that is a resounding 'Yes'.
After all, who would fill my pots and get my tea
Just Kidding :)
Robbo (Sexist to the end)

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Robbo, I agree with your post wholeheartedly (I'm married, so I don't need to care what women think of me anymore....:D )
It's a proven fact that men and women are different. It does not make one better than the other, just different.
For example, yes, men do have a physical advantage over women. We need(ed) it. Because we had to chase after mammoths to feed the family.
Women were supposed to raise the offspring, and are therefore more adapt at multitasking. A man has a tendency to focus strongly on what he's doing at the moment, whereas women can be doing several things at the same time. Want to see my point in action? Go to your local supermarket and observe how men and women work through their grocery list.
A woman will walk along the aisles, and pick up things as she passes along, thinkin: "Ah, yes. Some bread is on my list. And what do I see there? Butter! That's also on my list..."
A man holding the same list will go about it differently......
"Right. I need bread. On to the bread section!" And so he trollies happily to the bread section, and gets his bread. After doing so, he will consult his list again. "What is the next item I need? Butter! Forward, trusty trolley! On to the butter section!"
A woman will only pass through each aisle once. Men can be seen going back and forth throughout the entire supermarket.
Also, men are suckers for marketing tricks. A woman has a tendency to buy the items she needs, whereas a man will wander along, and spot something conveniently placed at eye level, and go: "Hmmmmmmmm, donuts!"
But if a problem needs solving, stick a man on it! Because of our singlemindedness, we'll get it sorted ASAP. We also have a tendency to have a superior sense of logic, which is why most men can slap together a model kit, and most women can't even figure out the instructions.

It's all proven by science.........

Here ends the lesson.
Oct 4, 2001
all over
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if you dont mind, let me redefine the question a little bit. Not can women (as a whole sex) be as good as men (as a whole sex), bt rather, if a guy and girl started at the same time, had same physical strength, speed and dedication.......then who whold grow to be the better player?

Chris[SAD YG]