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WOODLAND or Suppair


Sock Hats are Cool!
Jan 4, 2008
tbh i play both woodsball and sup air, and this guy is right that there arnt enough woodsball tournaments and that sup air is taking over. But still i enjoy both equally and sup air takes more skill. this guy is has made very bad points but i can understand why.


Oct 3, 2003
Jeremy Salm was always a personal hero of mine you know.

Anyway, it's a BS argument.

Super Air 7 man or X Ball was / is / should be a minority format for the very best paintballers, not played by the average enthsiast. Sup Air enjoyoed a huge and artificial growth spurt in the UK because the supply of bullets is out of control and virtually any no name punter could claim to be a "playa" and get bullets at near wholesale prices. Unfortunately these no name punter's are also the most vociferous, whom when it really come down to it had no game and no longevity in the sport.

To play Sup Air you either need to be good or committed and that is why we're seeing movement back to the woods or fun based paintball.

Shoot more, shoot less is all a pile of cack, paintball has c*cks on either side of the equation. Just play whatever you want and be happy.
Now now, these is no need to start using words like Vociferous on a paintball forum :D

See now why do you all think us old pro's can’t play Supair!! Most of our training back in the days was on Speedball.. the last bit of Supair i played i took out the whole of the other team on my own and the last 3 were goggle shots in about 5 secs... :cool:, mind you, it was only Team Venom.. he he..

I, unlike Horlicks, quite enjoy a game of Supair but it doesn’t really strain the old brain in anyway quite like the woods, i do though like the super aggressiveness of it.

As i said before both are just diffent parts of the same sport.

Jedi 57

Mar 25, 2007
There are less woodland tournaments becuase there is more money in sup air tournaments. People arent going to put on a tournament that they wont make much money out of.



dont really care
Apr 15, 2007
i play both moved from woods to supair. and i loveeeeee supair fast and alot more aggressive. its awesome. i still play woods but find it abit boring sometimes. playing in woods you do tend to see a few more fat lads than on a supair field. supair ftw
(converted woods baller):D


Oct 3, 2003
i play both moved from woods to supair. and i loveeeeee supair fast and alot more aggressive. its awesome. i still play woods but find it abit boring sometimes. playing in woods you do tend to see a few more fat lads than on a supair field. supair ftw
(converted woods baller):D
Come and play us in the woods :D i guarantee you a more aggressive game than your used to..
The problem I think is the level of play that we used to see in the 90’s has gone from the game or what you see is people trying to bring Supair game plays into the woods… which doesn’t work by the way..
See my thread here… it’s a bit more balanced… sorry Mart..


dont really care
Apr 15, 2007
i never said it wasnt aggressive our team play agressive in the woods, just i find because supair is quicker it comes accross more agressive.


Officially "SPANKING"
Jan 10, 2006
Stoke on Trent
I'm a converted woodsball player.

I love playing the woods - but only recball these days - stormin village and castle scenarios - etc.

We *Bulldogs* train every weekend, that we are'nt competing in 5 man or X Ball tournaments. That's a lot of commitment - especially when you look at the costs of playing, these days. We play paintball because we LOVE playing paintball.

At least once a month, i will go back to the woods, cant help myself.

I am 40 years old now, still love to play, and have 'honed' my skills to Sup-Air, its completely different to running and hiding and sniping your opponent, all "real tree'd" up !

Scenario guys, have called us Power Rangers in the past, in tourni gear, we have called them tree huggers.

This argument will go, on & on, no one will be proved right..... :rolleyes:

So let just get on, with what we are supposed to be doing....enjoying ourselves on the paintball field, be it sup-air, or woodland.

my 2 penneth.............piece. :cool:


Platinum Member - Lifetime
Aug 16, 2006
Box I would love to play to take the Teabags down for a game against you in the woods as with all Universal teams we play woodball fast. Only problem is it is a little bit to far to travel from Newcastle. Although Universal did play at Holmbush in November and won our league.

Horlicks as someone who plays Woodball and also trys to play air ball I think you have opened your mouth and not thought about what your saying.

As much as I love woods I am not going to come on here and slate Airball and it's players. I see some amazing players on an airball field and I see some great players in the woods. I also see some players doing both extremely well !!

Let there be wood tourny's all over Uk and let there be air all over the Uk and let people make their own minds up on what they want to play. Until people get it into their thick heads that any type of paintball should be appreciated from both sides, we can not progress. Play what you enjoy and just because the other may not be your liking don't slate it.


Active Member
Jul 10, 2006
Preston, Lancashire
it's each to their own... theres plenty of woodland teams out there already mate.. and quite frankly, teaching sup air players on how to play in the woods.. alot of sup air players would dominate woodsball players, we take a fast aggressive attacking, sup air style approach to our games.. and we dont often loose..

i've played both styles, and they're both good.. but when you came in here and basically decided to tell the thousands of uk sup air players that sup air is **** (which its not i might add) and that they should be playing woods.. i feel disgraced to call myself a woodsball player.. you've made us look like a bunch of to*****