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Would this work - Self powered fan

Even if you did some how make it so that there was no energy loss in the system what so ever, from the generator, bearings, wires ect. You seem to be missing one thing, the idea of a fan is to displace air, which uses energy. So it would have to be done in a vacuum, thus making your fan useless



Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
Strangely enough, ive had an idea bouncing around my head of a similar idea which, I think can actually work by converting energy from one type to another. Granted there is some loss in this proccess, however I think given some notebook scribbles may very well be viable :eek:


Wreckballer - PMGWC#2
Nov 13, 2008
that special place.
It's called 'Perpetual Motion', and you'll be set for life if you can crack it. Call me if you do, I'll happily split the income with you

loljokes. Sorry Buddha.

Credit for actually having some inventive ambition, though. My inventions (if there are any) always seem to consist of a bad idea and duct tape.


Platinum Member
Nov 11, 2001
Essex, England
Whats so refreshing about the original post for me as an Engineer is that we have someone who's 14 years old and already looking to invent something - an Engineer in the making perhaps.

I have been involved in perperptual motion type devices, mainly hybrid vehicles. Batteries are indeed a big issue as to is any requirement for torque. However we did manage to produce the first ever Electric Tractor many years ago. Even though Deere claim they did it first - read the patent!!

Our design used the diesel engine to start the generator set up which in turn turned the Transmission motors (Generators) that we mounted on a planetary gear (not wheel mounted). By controlling the motors you can control speed or applied torque depending if you spin the motors synchronously or asynchronously. Asynchronously you get maximum speed which for this unit was 96 kph!

With no fewer than 48 batteries mounted on the front weight pack we were able to store enough energy created by the first generator for normal running however in a high torque application which farming normaly is, high revs, low speed, high draft load batteries drained quickly and the diesel engine had to kick in to top up the required power. So all we acheived was fuel efficiencies which was the main target of the project.
Sadly funding dissappeared and the devlopment stopped, however a similar system was just before I left CNH being looked at for a combine application and the company went down the Hydrogen route.

Hydrogen is the key to perpeptual motion in my opinion. Take a look at Water For Fuel on the web. Burning hydrogen gives of water, which contains hypdrogen. Imagine being able to take you car in for a water change.

There are some systems available on the market that allow for fuel economies and also emissions improvements however they too suffer from losses due to wear of the electrode which is usually made of platinum so they are expensive.

Again something I know a little about as I knwo someone who has developed such a system - but the one nagging thing about this field is that the four major acheivers have all died, some mysteriously including Stanley Mayer who ran out of a restuarant claiming he'd ben poisoned and collapsed in the carpark DEAD!

Good luck Miniballer - Engineering isn't a bad profession - although few would chose it second time round!

Gee Tee

1/2 man - 1/2 pogo stick
Mar 21, 2007
Dartford, UK
I have searched everywhere in hope that this idea hasn't already been thought up but luckily I couldn't, so here goes...

My idea is quite simple but I am not to sure if it would work. If you have a fan , a electromagnetic generator and a place to store the energy (Cell) the fan could power itself. If the fan spins that will generate electricity to power the fan and charge up the cell. The first time you start it up you may have to turn it by hand until it has generated enough electricity.After this , upon when you wish to turn on the fan the cell would power the fan until it starts creating enough energy to power itself.

If this works I may consider building a prototype.

This may be a stupid idea, but I know there are some science nuts on this forum so I thought I would post it up , any feedback would be helpful thanks.
Tape one of these to the top of your goggles and run about a bit

Sorted :D