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X-Fire postponed

Mr Big

and his big purple helmet
Jul 3, 2001
In a big shoe
I take it most of probably know that the X-Fire series on Channel 4 in the UK has been postponed indefinitely until sometime next year because it was deemed inappropriate in light of the war. It's a real shame because it was doing wonders for the industry over here, but I understand that they have to be sensitive to these issues.

The only annoying thing is that this response immediately lumps the show, ergo paintball, in with war...again.

You guys think they did the right thing in pulling the plug for now?

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
You should get the book too then. Bought it a few years back, it's great. I got most of Ambrose's books in my collection.

I think it's a bit ludicrous to say that broadcasting paintball is not PC, because of the war, while other, violent, programs are still being aired. Just goes to show that being PC is a load of crap.

Later ya'll!!!


Mother, is that you?
Aww, c'mon. This is scheduler talk for 'load of ****, didn't work, no audience'. The prog maker ain't going to come out and say that, they're going to blame it on Sept 11 and the war, just like every other failing company in the uk.

It aint never comin back.

Mr Big

and his big purple helmet
Jul 3, 2001
In a big shoe

so basically you're all confident that the show wasn't up 2 much and was just doomed to failure. I was quoting what I read on the Channel 4 website. If this really is a lie, and I think you lot are right (god I'm so naive), then it's pretty tasteless to use the war as an excuse, doncha reckon?

I can see why people wouldn't want to watch it though. Who dya reckon should have presented it instead, apart from Robbo, of course...


Lord of the Ringtones
Not only is it tasteless, but counter productive. It'll be harder to attempt to replace a show that was dropped for that reason rather than to expand on it while it would be still on the air, because it'll be looked at as a failure not worth repeating rather than a successful or at least still breathing project. Honestly I think that people need to stop trying to Disney up the game to put it on TV and instead present it as it is, since its arena format was specifically intended to distinguish it as a sport rather than warlike. Why must they try to reinvent what was already reinvented for the same reasons and by people that knew what the hell they're doing?